Tuesday, September 30, 2008


well...its time for me introduce to u all my favorite current singer...Pets 曾沛慈(even her name tells you how adorable she is). She is a so called傻妹 and believe it or not she is just someone i can feel related to .its the way she talks, the way she acts that makes me fall in love with her, shes like my SUPER NO. 1 ...haha...

blazing red hair, that adorable peach like face, that small smirk on her face and that tall stature makes her a SUPERStar in m eyes, its almost unbelievable that she din't win , i adore her. She may not have the strongest voice, yet she has the whole package as i always tell my friends,...she has the PACKAGE....i believe in her and guess wat...her B'day is on the 21st of October...a day before me...OOO...i adore her

  • 綽號:傻妹/砲哥
  • 身高:173~174cm
  • 體重:57公斤
  • 性別:女
  • 生日:1984/10/21
  • 學校:中正大學企管系(畢)
  • 職業:學生
  • 三圍:34/27/37
  • 專長/才藝:唱歌、手語、跳舞、運動
  • 擅長樂器: 直笛、鋼琴
  • 擅長歌曲:傻瓜(溫嵐)、走味的咖啡(林晏如)、單眼皮的女生(中國娃娃)、再見我的愛人(鄧麗君)


個人部落格:曾沛慈-mini i love u

my Diary, my voice

its my first time writing this blog and its like a big step 4 me(kinda ). Excuse me using all thing so-called"Manglish"plus "bahasa campur", but again...Welcome to my world...
This blog i guarantee you its going to talk about my personal life...maybe i'll share some problems i face and my thoughts on my favorite reality tv shows( namely ANTM, American Idol,超級星光大道﹐ Project runway) ...its surely going 2 b a WOW factor for me...and hopely for you...

like said on this name OldFoong's diary, people usually call me 老馮 so i prefer me being called OldFoong, well its kinda the same bt ....blah....i haven write a diary before i mean like the old fashion diray lar...so this is my baby...hehe... i want my voice to be heard , i want my presence to

be noticed, i want to be me...not a duplicate not a hamburg not a clone...i want to be 老馮, the person i am that GOd made me to be.....long gas hor..haha...welcome...