okok..how to start..Well, today is my driving test!!!..Gosh hard to express how i felt. I went to
Sepakat driving institute at around 7.50 and i got my number-
D4 02. That was gonna be my number for today, whether its gonna be my lucky number ...i just don't know.
i was just nervous. Like a cat on hot bricks, anxious of what is gonna happen later.
Well, i though that there was nothing much for me to worry, aftell all so many people whom i know have passed before me..
calvin, japheth, my sis, zhi cong+many others.....its gonna be simple woudn't it be. And + if i passed, i can drive whenever i like! Won't it be fun? i was always wishing that i could be like my sis or
kok wan when i can drive whenever i like....if i wan to go yumcha..anytime...nows gonna be my golden opportunity and i sure
don't want to ruin it! while i was sitting on a bench waiting for everyting to get started, i heard the girls(they are too taking the test) talking and chatting so much..say scard this scard that. Believe it or not, hearing them gossip may be
irritating for some but it
seems calming for me...kind feel that I am not the only one alone! them people came filling the place and all i could just do is to wait, wait patiently foe the tiem to strike...and then, my instructor
Mr Beh appeared! Clad in a dark green polo shirt he walked towards me and greeted me..i was unsure wether he was greeting me or the
others cause i am not his only student..but all that he told me was.
" 做好點來!!!! " (in Cantonese) Those words were calming and since i didn't fair too well in my pre test,
this was my time to shine!DING!!!!!DING!!!! Finally The
JPP people arrived. In smart and neat uniforms they seem to march back into the office...the pressure in on DUDE...after listening to a brief talk...the driving began!...i was lucky to have spot
Xue Ming and Ng Kah Boon at the institute..
I am not ALONE...Hooray!
(calvin had LZC and tham to acompany him and so do I!). Gosh i was nervous..i was the 2nd to drive..went to toilet about twice..whats up with me..i have to calm down..i need somebody to slap me on my face and make me awake(kiddin)..the
GAME is finally starting.
02!!!!!!! 02!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was what i heard...thats me right???.yaya...haha...silly me..marched my way to the car that holds my destiny! baby, here i go...Off i go to the slope...and waited for the JPP guy..waited and waited..(being 2nd is mind breaking!!!! ) but i have to put it all together and
bring the house DOWN..!!!and OFFFFFFFF i go...
ba ba ba ba ba ba ba...1, 2, 3...i finally gao dim the slope!!!!..next 3 point turn and parking...off i go...again..ba ba ba ba ba...and i waited at lorong 1 for further instructions given to me before i could continue...so i waited.. while i was waiting i noticed that a lot of my peers are looking at me..staring wide-eyed....at me...gosh...had to pull it off and i thought of a way of calming myself down(I'm yours-jason Mraz did the job)..
Finally it was my turn..did the 3 point turn..siap ..next was my parking..and while i was reversing..and GOSH>>OMG i
sei foh...tried restarting..again sei foh
.OMG sei lor..i fail jor ar...Game over ar..OMGI thought this was the end..but they called me to finish it..so siapkan itu and went to the officer...and
Praise The Lord..I passed??? wow a miracle really happened...gosh..this must be my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now the last part..go gai gai ....waited...haiz...so happy+nervous at the same time(really a roller coaster ride) . then my
"charriot" came. Bright and shiny...this is make or break time...the officer asked me to get into the car and asked me to wait....so as i wait, i started looking for some water to quench my thirst...drank some water..and then..the office appeared..
" Mengapa kamu minum air saya??" GOD!!!!!! what did i do???????? .i imediately
apologized.i mistaken is bottle of water as mine....silly me..OMG..went down to get him another bottle of water..so MALU...
H20...no you didn't!!!!!..okok..calm down and continue with my test..while i was waiting, i tried remembering the steps i had to make....okok..and DROVE..gai gai..i remembered my friends told me to not drive to slow..so kept around
40-55km/hr the whole journey..okokok...i just wished my changing gear could go more smoothly..but everything seems fine..and i saw
End of gai gai and I
passed! Thank the Lord lor..and my friends for supporting me all the way!...driving was ok but ....gotta be more calm..i can be a bundle of nerves easily...so this is the END..no more SEPAKAT..well until i get my P license ready..but..bye bye...
ROADS of Ipoh..Here i COME!!!!! I have officially departed!!!!!!!