today was my first driving lessons. Did not know what to expect. all my friends went through this process and guess what ? this is my time. My instructor was this Mr Beh. Apparently, my whole family(father,mother, sister) was under him. So....haiz
Ok..he first taught me how to change gears...ok...and we were like up n down and up and down..ok..again..change from gear 1 to to 2....later leh he taught me about the clutch?...the brake pedal and the oil pedal(duno what it is caled)????
Those went quite we went driving gear must step the clutch then adjust the gear den only step on the oil pedal.(must be gentle...haiz..) And at the same time when you step the oil pedal must not step on the clutch....should be something like that la....i did not know leh when step oil must be so gentle...i always step den got BOOM BOOM sound..haiz...ok lor
later we went gai gai..made some turns..great..mastered it then he took me to the slope. Slope i heard from my friends not that easy wor...that loh kee min duno fail jor how many turn...and boleh lah...i did it.
okok...den tried a few times...ok..berjaya..den leh he ar...went up the slope ..this time different jor...need to put the head out of the window and adjust till you reach the yellow line..sei yeh so many yellow line..which yellow line you are talking about, + i duno wheter its the same like the previous one..and i panicked..forgot everything and here i started to 'sei foh'....haiz
duno how ar...thats the end of my 3 hours of driving experience...sei mou..(apparently, calvin nga also experienced the same problem=same same la..lega hati)
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