i din get it. Though i managed to get into top 4 for Public speaking CARCOM..i lost to fellow Ipoh gal Shobana for a spot to compete in CARCOM. If only they chose 2 speakers like previous years, i would be chosen...but...i am very happy for Shoba!!! and i hope she makes KMPh proud...i know she will..she is the calm and collected girl after all.
God is always fair and has His plan.
Instead of getting CARCOM. i gt PRD(pembimbing rakan dinamik)!!! and i am vice president for PRD!!!..haha...i hope via PRD i can learn more and help others at the same time. its after all much better to give than to receive!...
Being a PRD can be tough lar...i get teased....if i say something not PRD..Shoba will be like " Seriously, Foong, what you just said is not PRD at all"...haiz.,...but its trains me to be a better person! so i gotta think and speak with wisdom. btw: Maggie, Mei Xuan, yashini, May are among the lucky ones who got PRD
english speaking test was amazing..though i was dissapointed for not getting CARCOM..after my speaking test, Miss Zarina told us..after so many groups..this is the only group that is good!!!! YAY!!!..thanks miss Z!! she made my day so special!!
loads of work this week and UPS coming soon...and i did not do 2 well in Quiz and test ...even my Maths teacher is saying..U MeManG CARELESS LA!.gotta work harder ...that means i have to sacrifice Transformers!!! haiz..oh well...
oh ya..going back to Ipoh next week for Prize giving ceremony. and i have Fiziks day 2moro and fiziks exhibition next sat!!!..OMG right?
(p.s.: hope Jin enjoys tropical M'sia, Carmen gets teacher course, KMM and ST ppl have fun......and KMph ROCKS at all time)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
u changed your mind??
i find myself talking too much in Kmph..being here is like breaking out of the shell that use to be keeping me fron expressing me from who i truly am. here i get to be crazy...unlike in ST where being crazy is a 'sin'..haha
Known as the apple boy, i am full of joy and i tell others " you know what,I am crazy!"
At Kmph i seem to be talking with maximum velocity! haha...
Two nights ago, MX told me that she is leaving to Aimst because she cannot get to Hayat and she wants to being a doctor. thus, even getting 4 flat in Matrix may not guarantee you to a spot in doctor. we were in the library at that time..and we chatted for like an hour..
and after that, she is still confused or whether to leave or to stay...
honestly, i thought that this girl will leave(its just a hunch or wild guess) even yan ling agreed!..
two days later, she told me "you know what..because what u said, i changed my mind and I am staying!!!"..OMG..really shocked..and some people are asking me"what did you tell her..??""what made her change her mind?"...guys, i was also shocked by her decision but i respect her 100% for thinking carefully of her next step.
i remember telling her "to succeed in life, we have to take risks..maybe this is a risk you should take". This could be a gamble for her and i wish the best for her. know i realise how much impact just a few words can make to 1's life. So i better be careful with my words.
i really did not expect to convince her to stay at KMPh..she seemed that she wants to leave. Even yanling and her friends were kinda shocked!..
maybe i am a good counsellor??..haha...anyway PRD results are gonna be out next week....fingers crossed!..
(Ravi, Vincent, Trophy,Pokok Christams,REn, P2, P3.. Yang, Shorbana, Roseline, yanLing, Yannie, Jason is making my life at KMPH so interesting!!!!!)
deepest condolences to Leow and his family.May God bless you and your family.
Calvin, i hope you recover from your measles.
Known as the apple boy, i am full of joy and i tell others " you know what,I am crazy!"
At Kmph i seem to be talking with maximum velocity! haha...
Two nights ago, MX told me that she is leaving to Aimst because she cannot get to Hayat and she wants to being a doctor. thus, even getting 4 flat in Matrix may not guarantee you to a spot in doctor. we were in the library at that time..and we chatted for like an hour..
and after that, she is still confused or whether to leave or to stay...
honestly, i thought that this girl will leave(its just a hunch or wild guess) even yan ling agreed!..
two days later, she told me "you know what..because what u said, i changed my mind and I am staying!!!"..OMG..really shocked..and some people are asking me"what did you tell her..??""what made her change her mind?"...guys, i was also shocked by her decision but i respect her 100% for thinking carefully of her next step.
i remember telling her "to succeed in life, we have to take risks..maybe this is a risk you should take". This could be a gamble for her and i wish the best for her. know i realise how much impact just a few words can make to 1's life. So i better be careful with my words.
i really did not expect to convince her to stay at KMPh..she seemed that she wants to leave. Even yanling and her friends were kinda shocked!..
maybe i am a good counsellor??..haha...anyway PRD results are gonna be out next week....fingers crossed!..
(Ravi, Vincent, Trophy,Pokok Christams,REn, P2, P3.. Yang, Shorbana, Roseline, yanLing, Yannie, Jason is making my life at KMPH so interesting!!!!!)
deepest condolences to Leow and his family.May God bless you and your family.
Calvin, i hope you recover from your measles.
Robot ..humaniz-ing
Let me intro you guys to Ying Ying...a former tutorial classmate of mine. for your info, she received the JPA offer(U.K-dentistry). I have known her for about 1 month now and she's leaving. 
We actually had a small farewell for her. This is a true Taiping gal and i use to tease her being too robotic by calling her "ROBOt"(sounds mean right?) ...but this girl has truly changed alot since i met her..shes being so much more human ...i mean expression wise at least she shows her laughter....i will actually miss her..
last night when i was resting at the field....i kinda felt lonely as Ying used to jog around the track like every day!!!(she is an athlete!)...i still remember after the farwell we had, i listened to this song " First Love" by Utada Hikaru and that song nearly brought me to tears..haha..i will miss you gal...she will always be a friend of mine. and she promised to take me around Taiping to makan+play if we came down.
"you know what , when you tried to appeal to get Hayat, i actualy prayed that you won't get it , hoping you stay in Fiziks with us"
"jahat lar u"
"yala..i was kinda glad u did not get Hayat and stayed in Fz..."
"and i did not expect you to get JPA ..coz alot of the bright students did not get it after apealing. so when you got JPA..i was like OMG..well....you are leaving after all"

i knew that i was selfish for hoping that she would not change class to Hayat..but you see, God has a plan. and he has HIS way of doing things.

all the best in MARA Banting...Ying Ying, sincerly, i wish you the best...seriously...and you are 100%human.
Friday, June 12, 2009
the APPLE boy...again..
After "the history of the apple" anothe incident in lecture happened involving me.
The history of te apple 2
Our tutorial ended at 3.00p.m. and the Muslims had Islam class so that means that i have 1 hour of free time and another lecture at 4.00p.m...
Tired and ;azy, i opted to head back to my room instead of the library to take a short nap. I originally set my phone alarm to 3/45p.m. I did sleep and the alarm did ring ..but i was just termenung in my room....i was still in my dream world until i suddenly realised..
I was 4.05p.m.!!!!!!!
I am late!!!!!!!...Quickly, i rushed, ran...and just hurried to my lecture hall as fast as possible. (btw: i was having Maths lecture at that time..ohya..same lecture where the history of the apple happened")..
I opened the door..smilling blindly+sillyly...I was damn late..
" Foong dari mana kamu datang?"
"buat apa?"
"hal sendiri"(wanted to say sleeping)
"oo...meditasi nampaknya..."(whole class giggled)...(they surely know i feel asleep)...my hair was a mess..
Oh well..continued lecture...
Since that incident..i was refered in my maths lecture as PCK of KMph..(weird lar)....and my lecture mates keep saying and calling " foong....foong...foong" at all times...blimey, i have just been upgraded as a celeb in my lecture..oh well..all thanks to the 'history of an apple and the history of being late". and some Ipoh girls call me the APPLE BOY
I was so lucky that the Maths lecturer this time was En. Khairulnizam(the good lecture)..if it was the previous maths lecture that kinda XXX-ed me for eating an apple...i am like FINISHED!!!...oh well..who knoww popularity can be such a liabliity..ppl just call 'foong at all times"..well, i am fearless lar...haha...embrace the joke lor..i am kinda crazy after all
This is my life at KMPh...(interesting right??)
Went for P.S and PRD interview:
Public speaking auditon1:u were given 1 million ringgit..what would you do with it?
Public spealing audition 2: if you were a leader, how would you help spread peace?
i hope i get it...hehe..than i can say' CARCOM here i come.."
The history of te apple 2
Our tutorial ended at 3.00p.m. and the Muslims had Islam class so that means that i have 1 hour of free time and another lecture at 4.00p.m...
Tired and ;azy, i opted to head back to my room instead of the library to take a short nap. I originally set my phone alarm to 3/45p.m. I did sleep and the alarm did ring ..but i was just termenung in my room....i was still in my dream world until i suddenly realised..
I was 4.05p.m.!!!!!!!
I am late!!!!!!!...Quickly, i rushed, ran...and just hurried to my lecture hall as fast as possible. (btw: i was having Maths lecture at that time..ohya..same lecture where the history of the apple happened")..
I opened the door..smilling blindly+sillyly...I was damn late..
" Foong dari mana kamu datang?"
"buat apa?"
"hal sendiri"(wanted to say sleeping)
"oo...meditasi nampaknya..."(whole class giggled)...(they surely know i feel asleep)...my hair was a mess..
Oh well..continued lecture...
Since that incident..i was refered in my maths lecture as PCK of KMph..(weird lar)....and my lecture mates keep saying and calling " foong....foong...foong" at all times...blimey, i have just been upgraded as a celeb in my lecture..oh well..all thanks to the 'history of an apple and the history of being late". and some Ipoh girls call me the APPLE BOY
I was so lucky that the Maths lecturer this time was En. Khairulnizam(the good lecture)..if it was the previous maths lecture that kinda XXX-ed me for eating an apple...i am like FINISHED!!!...oh well..who knoww popularity can be such a liabliity..ppl just call 'foong at all times"..well, i am fearless lar...haha...embrace the joke lor..i am kinda crazy after all
This is my life at KMPh...(interesting right??)
Went for P.S and PRD interview:
Public speaking auditon1:u were given 1 million ringgit..what would you do with it?
Public spealing audition 2: if you were a leader, how would you help spread peace?
i hope i get it...hehe..than i can say' CARCOM here i come.."
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Alot people leaving KMPh..either get JPA pr canot tukar HAyat and have to remain in Fiziks. So sad lar...even i dun really know them but them have grown to be a part of KMPh....KMPh will be less vibrant, colorful without you guys....really miss you all but all the best to SInYi and Kanchana..haiz....
KMPh will always welcome you back. i am really gonne miss you all...haha...I do hope the Ipoh gang will not shrink any more...haiz..
KMPh will always welcome you back. i am really gonne miss you all...haha...I do hope the Ipoh gang will not shrink any more...haiz..
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Apple
"today i am teaching about inequalities, quadratic eauations..new chapter"
"whats your name?"(pointing at me)
" you wanna eat or learn?"
"learn"(i wanted to say both)
"den simpan lar "
quickly, i kept my apple out from sight. OMG...i was like so malu in class..oh well...i dun really care. Actually, dun think i am that berani lar...its just because i was sick ...sakit kerongkong like mad...no more water coz the water machine was like rosak.....my throat was so dry and i was just rushing from 1 class to another...and all i had w as an apple to quench my thirst....furthermore,some girls eat apple in class also tak apa...
this is the story of "the apple"..btw..i still love eating apples.
Anyway, being ketua tutor for my fiziks tutorial..i hav to help like organize a dance performance where this dance is counted into our Dinamika Kemahiran(living science) marks. hmmm....not being an avid dancer, i have to like figure out what works and what does not work. I have to just like MAke a ZERo to a hero...i plan to like organize my class to dance the kuda kepang..??? tarian cina?? and maybe an umbrella dance...haha..RIHANNA!!!!
btw: leow phoned that day and i am so happy to hear about the N.N.O....but u guys please kurangkan drama...KMPH is fun...hope the dance goes on well, hope i get PRD and Carcom 4 public speaking..
alll d best!!!!
"whats your name?"(pointing at me)
" you wanna eat or learn?"
"learn"(i wanted to say both)
"den simpan lar "
quickly, i kept my apple out from sight. OMG...i was like so malu in class..oh well...i dun really care. Actually, dun think i am that berani lar...its just because i was sick ...sakit kerongkong like mad...no more water coz the water machine was like rosak.....my throat was so dry and i was just rushing from 1 class to another...and all i had w as an apple to quench my thirst....furthermore,some girls eat apple in class also tak apa...
this is the story of "the apple"..btw..i still love eating apples.
Anyway, being ketua tutor for my fiziks tutorial..i hav to help like organize a dance performance where this dance is counted into our Dinamika Kemahiran(living science) marks. hmmm....not being an avid dancer, i have to like figure out what works and what does not work. I have to just like MAke a ZERo to a hero...i plan to like organize my class to dance the kuda kepang..??? tarian cina?? and maybe an umbrella dance...haha..RIHANNA!!!!
btw: leow phoned that day and i am so happy to hear about the N.N.O....but u guys please kurangkan drama...KMPH is fun...hope the dance goes on well, hope i get PRD and Carcom 4 public speaking..
alll d best!!!!
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