Let me intro you guys to Ying Ying...a former tutorial classmate of mine. for your info, she received the JPA offer(U.K-dentistry). I have known her for about 1 month now and she's leaving. 
We actually had a small farewell for her. This is a true Taiping gal and i use to tease her being too robotic by calling her "ROBOt"(sounds mean right?) ...but this girl has truly changed alot since i met her..shes being so much more human ...i mean expression wise at least she shows her laughter....i will actually miss her..
last night when i was resting at the field....i kinda felt lonely as Ying used to jog around the track like every day!!!(she is an athlete!)...i still remember after the farwell we had, i listened to this song " First Love" by Utada Hikaru and that song nearly brought me to tears..haha..i will miss you gal...she will always be a friend of mine. and she promised to take me around Taiping to makan+play if we came down.
"you know what , when you tried to appeal to get Hayat, i actualy prayed that you won't get it , hoping you stay in Fiziks with us"
"jahat lar u"
"yala..i was kinda glad u did not get Hayat and stayed in Fz..."
"and i did not expect you to get JPA ..coz alot of the bright students did not get it after apealing. so when you got JPA..i was like OMG..well....you are leaving after all"

i knew that i was selfish for hoping that she would not change class to Hayat..but you see, God has a plan. and he has HIS way of doing things.

all the best in MARA Banting...Ying Ying, sincerly, i wish you the best...seriously...and you are 100%human.
wow..Congrats Ying2...please pass the msg on if it's not too late...=)btw...what did u msg me?didn't received anything from u...
har?? i sent an sms 2 wish u 2 b careful of health at Melb...coz of d spreading virus...hha..nv mind..just take care n i hope 2 c u soon!
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