Friday, June 19, 2009

Robot ..humaniz-ing

Let me intro you guys to Ying Ying...a former tutorial classmate of mine. for your info, she received the JPA offer(U.K-dentistry). I have known her for about 1 month now and she's leaving.

We actually had a small farewell for her. This is a true Taiping gal and i use to tease her being too robotic by calling her "ROBOt"(sounds mean right?) ...but this girl has truly changed alot since i met her..shes being so much more human ...i mean expression wise at least she shows her laughter....i will actually miss her..

last night when i was resting at the field....i kinda felt lonely as Ying used to jog around the track like every day!!!(she is an athlete!)...i still remember after the farwell we had, i listened to this song " First Love" by Utada Hikaru and that song nearly brought me to tears..haha..i will miss you gal...she will always be a friend of mine. and she promised to take me around Taiping to makan+play if we came down.

"you know what , when you tried to appeal to get Hayat, i actualy prayed that you won't get it , hoping you stay in Fiziks with us"

"jahat lar u"
"yala..i was kinda glad u did not get Hayat and stayed in Fz..."

"and i did not expect you to get JPA ..coz alot of the bright students did not get it after apealing. so when you got JPA..i was like are leaving after all"

i knew that i was selfish for hoping that she would not change class to Hayat..but you see, God has a plan. and he has HIS way of doing things.

all the best in MARA Banting...Ying Ying, sincerly, i wish you the best...seriously...and you are 100%human.


J.Chong said...

wow..Congrats Ying2...please pass the msg on if it's not too late...=)btw...what did u msg me?didn't received anything from u...

yousheng said...

har?? i sent an sms 2 wish u 2 b careful of health at Melb...coz of d spreading virus...hha..nv mind..just take care n i hope 2 c u soon!