then me and devil woman walked and walked until we reached this agency MY Gopeng Resort...even if our spirit were like beatern jor....haiz..we dragged ourselves hoping that God could shed some light and hope to us..and we saw their templates...RM 128...and our eyes were like...OMG...bettter than collect Gold...tere were lots of activities including white water rafting, water abselling, orang asli blowpipe(which i simple adore, sinspired by my EST teacher Pn daisy who hailes from Sarawak) and jungle night walk..there were tons of activities to choose from...including laser gun fights(something like paintball) ...trekking up the hill to see the raffleseia(not smelly geh), Flying Fox...and also gt BBQ dinner ......our homes are also kampung like...that was what i wanted, to experience living in a kampung like doing these like orang-asli like activities...YOYOYO...that guy la that day told us that with a budget of 350 he can giv us like about 4 main activies for 3days 2 nights....

and then we went again back to the agency asking for further details only to be beaten by dissapoinment that the person hwol taked to us before was usually incharged of events and not marketting, and this marketting guy came and told us that the white water rafting alone cost 150(for students he gav a discount of RM 125)...and the accomadation including food per night- RM 128 per person(if you want to say for another night just add RM 50....) that was like completely different from whta i heard previously..really OMG lor....now also duno...what to do , still thinking of a solution...some feels its so expensive , some thinks its too near(gopeng-Ipoh very near)...haiz....

God make a way lar...really want to go 2 Genting meh?.....i really want to go for white water rafting, it seems so exciting....really syok ge lor...i still remmebered when i was first told that the price was so cheap i was so happy that when i crossed the road i was nearly hit by a motorcycle) which ended to be my friend, that sei kok wan....haiz....why pour cold water on me...
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