10/10/08 is surely a night i will remember as a night rich with memories and beautiful nostalgia...yet it just reminds me that there is a day that we will be apart, separated. it seems weird that most of my friends feel the same way i feel. these questions pop up in my mind. Are we going our own ways after SPM? Will we actually meet again? What will the others be like then? Will they change?...
its kinda scary to think like that..after all it has been almost 5 years we have all been sitting under the same 'boat' and 'roof'. i clearly remember the day i stepped into Sam tet secondary school, my first class was 1c3 and till today i still remember the teachers and from there i grow and we grew and flourished. then i moved on to 2c2(yeepee i climbed to the first class) and there it goes, i met like a whole bunch of kakilang( friends). Yo...and today its me and them standing tall(height) and proud.
This has been a journey, a learning experience, maybe even a revolutionary experience. i felt i have grown, grown in a way that i have not predicted and did not expect, yet in a way that amazes me as i felt that these years i really managed to grow individually. From a a rather kiasu student, now i see myself as more open minded. Throughout these journey, i would be nothing without my gang-comprising of chatterbox who are 'cheerfully active'. yet does these mean that we will be apart? if i ask my friend kok wan, he would sure say...haiz....this is a part of life, everyone will like bid farewell.....yet is this the end? is this the way the pens wil stop? oh yes at this moment my teachers still remember me but how long can i last in their memories and in my friend's memories...each year is different , different and spectacular in every single way...magical in every possible way...
talking about my friends, they range in every single way from the usual skinny nerds to the ever talkative one to even the athletic student. my friends seem to be diverse in a way that really amazes me. i hav this friend who can be as fiery as a chilli yet sentimental at times(leong kah wai), i have this athletic and Realistic friend who ahs been backing me up at all times(kok wan), i have this like crazy friend who act like a monkey both cheeky and adorable(KKC), the very 'Man' and vain hon lunn the guy with the masam muka(last time only, now better jor)-kuan fei.....hard to describe them all...oh yes and also a devil woman(LZC) haha...
is it true that real friends and true friendships can last forever?....listening to星光2班-你们是我的星光 while writting this post is kinda touching..( i had goosebumps)....i feel the emotion i feel it...my friends...haiz...it is so ahrd to bid farewell and believe it anot i really treasure u all....i realli do mean it from the bottom of my heart . i still remmeber the 'debating' days that were really full of drama...Gosh...yet it was the time i had fun...i enjoyed gossiping with my 88 gang,...i loved every moment my friends share their true feelings with me and had been true to me so for that i treasure the most....
time seems to fly...if i really had the abilty to rewind time, i will seriously not change a bit....i may have confrontations with my friends before...yet it is through all these that i learnt more and treasure them all....in the recent trialexam, i wrote 'Friends' as my english essay....and i really meant it when i said they are the 'shining rays that illuminate light and life in me and they are the pillars that will support me.' is is true that they have shined in my life.
. these moments together are like treasures, like jewels . each jewel comprising of hundreds of surfaces reflecting different images showing different colors. i feel hard to believe that this could be the end of the chapter, maybe this is the end of the rainbow.....so have i found my pot of gold?....i found more than mere glittering gold...i found friendship...friendship that i hope lasts forever
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