times has changed, methamorphosis is taking place. without prior notice, much have passed, loads have cherished, many lessons were learnt, many changes has taken place. From the beginning, there was i, a tuition teacher, then a scholarship wannabe. appleboy to finally reverting back to my old self-the true me.
Recalling this year, time really flew. recalling the good and bad made me realised how far i have travelled. life is after all a journey, one that have ups and downs, just like a ferris wheel ride. At times, i wish i could reach the peak, the highest point, but when i reached that pivotal point, i realise that i have to start the journey all over again. Just like a ferris wheel ride, the wheel rotates , from the lowest point to the highest point and this process continues until the time your ride is finished-the time you leave the ride to embark a new journey.
Life at Kmph is a learning process, a journey, an odyssey, a flight that really strenghtens me and morphes me to learn more about myself and creating myself. Quoted from a dear friend of mine, "Life is not about finding yourself, but its a process of creating yourself." through these 7 months so far, much have veen learnt and experienced visually, emotionally, physicaaly and spiritually. i see growth, metamorphosis, radical changes. I think i now know the person i want to be, the somebody i can picture myself to be.
At Kmph, i learnt to 'make things work'. complaining is a form of releasing dissatisfaction and stress but continuous of complaints is a sign of weakness, an irritation to ones ears. I have complained much, from my dissatisfaction to my maths teaches to the 'lack of interest or senstivity' to maths which ultimately leads to the lacklustre performace of mine in maths. Yet, it was a fellow Ipoh based teacher-pn Shariza who slapped me on my face and made me realized that giving excuses and complaining is just an excuse of being a spoiled brat and laziness, All i have to do is to make it WORK!!!!
There was a so called Appleboy mania at kmph where i was labelled as this apple eating boy at lecture guy. that was a period of fun, joy, of excitement. Those were some of my golden days where i felt i received illumination, enlightment, blessing. I felt like a phoenix reborn from ashes. i was new in a new environment, totally fresh in an exotic place, ready to explore all boudaries, every corner, ready to create a new me, met new people, ready to embark a journey, That was a point in life where i was filled with confidence where my jar of confidence is sligtly over-filled resulting in a change of persona within me, which i slightly noticed. I was starting to change to something that i would not like, unnoticed, unintentionally. I was turning Ugly. Yet, at the right point, i reverted, God's blessings made me change. Here i am now.
Blessed. Blessed to meet these new friends whom accepted me, whom i accept and care for. i respect them for their individuality and qualities which i learnt a lot from. And then was when i quetioned Him for sending them away , one by one from me. Yet, i received new blessings , new friendships were created, existed bonds were strengthed.
i met great roommates, good friends, future leaders, yet, at this point, i feel people around me have been changing, in a manner that makes me realise and rethink who they really are, their true colors. At some times, what i see is not what i like. It is an eyesore, yet i still care deeply and sincrely for them. i am confused by the persona i am facing. Do people change? or does it take time before one reveals his true colors. As far as i am concerned, these changes can be seen as thorns to others. Yet, this is a time i stay firm with my integrity, my principles. all i want and have to do now is to save me from myself. these thoughts can and must no longer change or effect me emotionally. i need to stay strong. true friends do not tolerate,they accept.
As various memories refreshes through my mind, i feel more grown up. but i know i have much more to learn, much more to explore and see. I like being myself-crazy, a lunatic, an ambassador, talkative, always smilling. i realise i talk as a person, a true human-vulnerable and all bariers broken down., and i like it.
this year, i feel even more connected to my family that i have ever felt in a long time. I thank you, Lord. for a blessed year.
UPS is next year, 3days ahead, and next year , 2010, a better, blessed year is 20 minutes ahead, awaiting for me as i embark on a different flight. As a passenger, now , i await my destionation. Time is not the main factor, it is the journey and the destination that truly matters.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Mastering my Body

class photo..
back to Ipoh for Haji hols. loads had happened in Kmph...No more dinamika kemahiran and Moral class and guess what?? We hav coco and sains informatics this sem!!!! yahoo!!! btw, did i clarrify i gt silat!!! Silat, the Malay version of self defence, requires agilty, swift, skill, discipline, all qualities which i severly lack!!! regardless of all adversities, i guess i have to use this chance to experience another persona and discover a new me..haha..apparently, coordinating these long limbs and arms of mine has been a great adversity. And i even 'saw the stars' on my first silat practice, i guess i have to really toughen up!!!
and Biro Pameran is going to officially start operating soon.. and guess what? watching "beyond the realms of conscience" or in short " Gong sam gai' has some sort really inspired me to create this grand, majestic exhibition that showcasses the beauty of the Chinese culture. Its all in my mind now, and hopefully, with the help of the rest of the biro, we can make this dream a reality!..
Apparently, "gong sam gai" is bringing out the crazy side of me, believe me, i am possessed by the characters from this epic TVB classic, bringing ancient China back to Kmph. haha...hope this eventually wears off!!!
going back to watch New Moon!!! excited!! and Happy Bday! SHobana...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Speed clubbing or poo poo tree??
this hols was truly a roller coaster ride for me. went out a couple of times with my friends and also an eye opener Penang trip.even learnt taichi and visited Little india!!!For the Penang trip, there was Fann, Yennee, Yash, Young , MIn Huey and me..and it was unexpectedly fun! Though i did not eat much as i would like to, i had a great deal of fun with these guys.
I went skating(QUeensbay) for the first time, speed clubbing and posing with the 'poo poo tree'...that was really crazy..haha..
CLubbing is something people usually ever in a million years associate it with me. Well, to tell you the truth, i never believed that i would ever go into a club! But OMG..i did it!!! well, to give more detailed info, this club is at Auto city, Butterworth and its called ' Dream'!! there were these staircases up to this high profile club. I was nervous, afraid, yet i had to hide all my fears and wear a mask of calmness. This was a time to experience a life i never though i would even come close to.
We hesitated before going in. we were unsure. well at least i was a 'virgin' in this case. We did not even know if we needed to pay to enter...but as i went in. i felt like transformed into another planet. It was like totally different. It was dark and the deco was inspired by modern meets ancient China . I heard loud music, there was a band . There were lounges, ppl were hanging out. and to my surprise, i saw a middle aged lady wearing skimpy outfits dancing to the beat of the music like theres no tomorrow and i had only one word in my mind- Gross.
i felt uneasy , uncomfortable and i looked at Yashini. And from those big wide opened eyes of hers, i knew we were on the same page. We hadenough of this 'experience' this clubbing life. We were like raising out voices (the music was too loud) " i don't really like this place!!! " "Lets leave" and in a couple of seconds, we left the so called "dream-land"
well, this is what me and Yashini calls 'speed clubbing' ..we experienced it visually at least...and maybe its just not my cup of tea!!! i rather pose with the 'poo poo tree' (see my Facebook photos-crazy i tell you)!!!! that was more fun and at least in my comfort zone!!! haha..
thanks yash, fann, min huey, Queen K and Young, really enjoyed this trip...learnt more about my friends and this lesson will never end!
I went skating(QUeensbay) for the first time, speed clubbing and posing with the 'poo poo tree'...that was really crazy..haha..
CLubbing is something people usually ever in a million years associate it with me. Well, to tell you the truth, i never believed that i would ever go into a club! But OMG..i did it!!! well, to give more detailed info, this club is at Auto city, Butterworth and its called ' Dream'!! there were these staircases up to this high profile club. I was nervous, afraid, yet i had to hide all my fears and wear a mask of calmness. This was a time to experience a life i never though i would even come close to.
We hesitated before going in. we were unsure. well at least i was a 'virgin' in this case. We did not even know if we needed to pay to enter...but as i went in. i felt like transformed into another planet. It was like totally different. It was dark and the deco was inspired by modern meets ancient China . I heard loud music, there was a band . There were lounges, ppl were hanging out. and to my surprise, i saw a middle aged lady wearing skimpy outfits dancing to the beat of the music like theres no tomorrow and i had only one word in my mind- Gross.
i felt uneasy , uncomfortable and i looked at Yashini. And from those big wide opened eyes of hers, i knew we were on the same page. We hadenough of this 'experience' this clubbing life. We were like raising out voices (the music was too loud) " i don't really like this place!!! " "Lets leave" and in a couple of seconds, we left the so called "dream-land"
well, this is what me and Yashini calls 'speed clubbing' ..we experienced it visually at least...and maybe its just not my cup of tea!!! i rather pose with the 'poo poo tree' (see my Facebook photos-crazy i tell you)!!!! that was more fun and at least in my comfort zone!!! haha..
thanks yash, fann, min huey, Queen K and Young, really enjoyed this trip...learnt more about my friends and this lesson will never end!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Life changes, quoted from Madonna's hit single 'Hung up' ,'time goes by..so slowly...so slowly'...distancing from Ipoh for my pre U studies opened my eyes that so much has remained, yet so many changes. So different, so vague. In this case, time and distance played a key role in these changes.
i see personalities evolving, friends feeling more comfortable under their skins, level of conversations brought to a new level, people maturing before my own eyes wheres others escaping into think air, distancing themselves from our lives, like smoke.
The portrait of our life has changed. Some used to smile so cheerfully, radiating light into our life, now yet fading into the darkness. Some remain there, playing significance.
the road not taken keeps blurring my thoughts, what if i took the other path? what if?...choices are made, paths has been taken. There is no turning back, only looking into the future could propel you forward.
i know why i was the only one chosen for this path. For God knows that i could handle it.
All i can do is to be thankful for be blessed.
i see personalities evolving, friends feeling more comfortable under their skins, level of conversations brought to a new level, people maturing before my own eyes wheres others escaping into think air, distancing themselves from our lives, like smoke.
The portrait of our life has changed. Some used to smile so cheerfully, radiating light into our life, now yet fading into the darkness. Some remain there, playing significance.
the road not taken keeps blurring my thoughts, what if i took the other path? what if?...choices are made, paths has been taken. There is no turning back, only looking into the future could propel you forward.
i know why i was the only one chosen for this path. For God knows that i could handle it.
All i can do is to be thankful for be blessed.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Concrete jungle awaits me!
MUETS just over...and i am glad..well i have no idea how i scored but i had fun with my group..like we interacted...we helped each other..it was PURE discussion...eye contact was there...GREAT
i was candidate C and we had to discuss on how food manufacturers could increase the sales of locally food. My point was through promoting our food overseas.(via campaigns, Internet, food fair, ambassadors...)
haha..thanks 4 d wishes...thanks ZEE!!! ELIN!!!! and also Pn Norsiah, Miss Cheong for the wonderful tips...
unfortunately Candidate A kinda broke down ...she was too nervous..we all tried to help her but i hope that i wasn't misintepreted as overdominating bythe examiner..oh well...
byebye Sem 1..coz i am leaving the JUNGLE 2day!!!! heading to another jungle only that its made of concrete(KL)..haha...
i was candidate C and we had to discuss on how food manufacturers could increase the sales of locally food. My point was through promoting our food overseas.(via campaigns, Internet, food fair, ambassadors...)
haha..thanks 4 d wishes...thanks ZEE!!! ELIN!!!! and also Pn Norsiah, Miss Cheong for the wonderful tips...
unfortunately Candidate A kinda broke down ...she was too nervous..we all tried to help her but i hope that i wasn't misintepreted as overdominating bythe examiner..oh well...
byebye Sem 1..coz i am leaving the JUNGLE 2day!!!! heading to another jungle only that its made of concrete(KL)..haha...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Jungle meltdown
exam was officially over yesterday and since i have my speaking test on 21 Oct(7.30 am) i have to camp in the jungle(thats what Yash calls KMPh ...the jungle).
These exam period could be said as a turning point of my life-it made me stronger, tougher, more mature. Its very well said that it takes a total emotional breakdown to see the beauty in someone and i totally experienced it. Breaking down was something i never thought i could ever experience in a Giga-zillion years...but...who knew that a few sums could lead to a basket full of 'won tons'. I felt vulnerable, open to attack, i felt i had nobody i could trust , i wanted to talk to sumbody. It was 3 am in the morning-but i had my family standing by me.
Now, i feel great, its like a baggage, a burden, an evil spell being cast out off me. Believing in yourself makes you strong, knowing others believe in you makes you feel secure, beautiful, safe. Now, i take life as a journey that i can learn and enjoy at the same time-enriching myself.
My personal message to Maths & Chem & Physics:
These exam period could be said as a turning point of my life-it made me stronger, tougher, more mature. Its very well said that it takes a total emotional breakdown to see the beauty in someone and i totally experienced it. Breaking down was something i never thought i could ever experience in a Giga-zillion years...but...who knew that a few sums could lead to a basket full of 'won tons'. I felt vulnerable, open to attack, i felt i had nobody i could trust , i wanted to talk to sumbody. It was 3 am in the morning-but i had my family standing by me.
Now, i feel great, its like a baggage, a burden, an evil spell being cast out off me. Believing in yourself makes you strong, knowing others believe in you makes you feel secure, beautiful, safe. Now, i take life as a journey that i can learn and enjoy at the same time-enriching myself.
My personal message to Maths & Chem & Physics:
I may not personally like the 3 of you but YO!!!! i am stronger and i can overcome you guys...so bring it on...coz i m gonna fight back in full throttle. Chem, i am gonna be like a buffer solution, add strong acid, add super strong base, I am gona remain the same! Maths, you can differentiate or intergrate as much as possible but yo....i'm gonna persevere as you cant change my perseverance. Yo Physics,..i love you ...so let it be conservation of angular momentum or isothermal, i am gonna overcome it all...as i have to believe..haha..
yo,,4 PSPM, i did my all..like i gave all i could and no matter what the end point(point where indicator changes color) its OK...haha...Nasib le!!!
yo,,4 PSPM, i did my all..like i gave all i could and no matter what the end point(point where indicator changes color) its OK...haha...Nasib le!!!
gonna go to Kl on the 21st and reunite with my parents...
anyway, Happy Birthday to the empress!!! (Yen nee) and thanks Fan and Young for yesterday.
Ohya!!!!!! b4 signing off..Speaking test tomorrow...calm down,, speak slowly, intelligently, wisely and confidently and speak with your eyes !!!! haha....
anyway, Happy Birthday to the empress!!! (Yen nee) and thanks Fan and Young for yesterday.
Ohya!!!!!! b4 signing off..Speaking test tomorrow...calm down,, speak slowly, intelligently, wisely and confidently and speak with your eyes !!!! haha....
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Don't complain...itu NASIB!!!
its been a very long time like ages since i last blogged. Part of the reason is that i was like as busy as hell and partially because of the sloth inside me kinda took over. Well, all i must say is that life at KMPh was super-hell crazy. Like what i told Young, i have to find equilibrium-hectic studies+ crazy timetable, PRD responsibilities, Biro Pameran for CNY thingy, and my entertainment.
Lets talk about studies, imagine yourself attending classes daily from 8-around 5...and thats not all, you have to attend extra lectures daily that starts from 9.30-11.00. Don't forget the fact that you are living in a hostel, thus your laundry has to become a daily priority. Thats basically my daily life for about 2 weeks. Well, all i can say that for the past 2 weeks at Kmph i has been like hell busy
PSPM(final exam for this sem) is coming like really soon and i have to like study real hard for it..its like a MUST score exam. People there just expect "us" to excel. Sometimes can't we just be viewed at the same level? its like not every Chinese is amazing in Maths...come on...i still remember Pn Shariza(maths tutorial) once said " This is the first time a Chinese ask me this type of quetion"...i was like..ok...just for your information, i don't really like Maths and ...i don't usually score for Maths...so..take notice, ok??
nevertherless, Pn Shariza taught me alot about life. Well, she has these 'golden phrases' which are kinda amusing and true at the same time:
1. To do Maths, you have to hav 3 criteria. no.1, you need to have a brain. 'you have brains right?" no.2 , you need to have the knowledge, the skill. no.3, you need to have the speed, " To gain the speed, you need alot of practice."
2. If you don't study now i can assure you that you are gonna MAMPUS (suffer)!!MAMPUS!!(she says this in a scary tone)
3. I tell you, if you can't even do this, you tak layak masuk U!!!! Kamu tak LAYAK!!!!!(huh...???)
4. I never trust counsellors!!!! NEVER!!!! if you want counselling , ask it from your parents!!! NEVER trust those counsellors!!!!
5. Bukan saya tak mau ajar kamu, but if i teach you everything and show you all the steps, you are not thinking!!!! SAYA YANG jadi PANDAI, bukan kamu...saya yang kekal pandai..kamu kekal tak sama...use your brain and think , try solving it..!!!!
6. YOU are not thinking!!!! you cannot depend on me!!! saya tak mau pelajar macam itu.!!!! think!!!!
7. Don't keep complaining!! do something about it!!! kalau kata lecturer tak baik, itu NASIB lar,, NASIB...
Thats typical Pn Shariza whom i deeply respect. She may be harsh but what she says its like super true. Despite my dislike for Maths, i will have to prove her wrong....NO pain, no gain, i can no longer wish for my fairy god mother to sprinkle magic dust on me nor i can no longer ask for my Genie in the bottle to grant every wish....i gotta work hard!!!! for maths..hehe
During this brief and short holidays, i have to work very hard on my studies, its my only option to score 4 flat. Its everything for me. Despite all the stress and fuly-pack timetable, Thank the Lord that i have Gossip Girls to accompany my hollidays...haha
GOSSIP GIRLS IS AMAZING!!!! love it SUPER..haha...BLAir...serena..chuck..nate,...dan..small J..haha...
XOXO i know you love me
Lets talk about studies, imagine yourself attending classes daily from 8-around 5...and thats not all, you have to attend extra lectures daily that starts from 9.30-11.00. Don't forget the fact that you are living in a hostel, thus your laundry has to become a daily priority. Thats basically my daily life for about 2 weeks. Well, all i can say that for the past 2 weeks at Kmph i has been like hell busy
PSPM(final exam for this sem) is coming like really soon and i have to like study real hard for it..its like a MUST score exam. People there just expect "us" to excel. Sometimes can't we just be viewed at the same level? its like not every Chinese is amazing in Maths...come on...i still remember Pn Shariza(maths tutorial) once said " This is the first time a Chinese ask me this type of quetion"...i was like..ok...just for your information, i don't really like Maths and ...i don't usually score for Maths...so..take notice, ok??
nevertherless, Pn Shariza taught me alot about life. Well, she has these 'golden phrases' which are kinda amusing and true at the same time:
1. To do Maths, you have to hav 3 criteria. no.1, you need to have a brain. 'you have brains right?" no.2 , you need to have the knowledge, the skill. no.3, you need to have the speed, " To gain the speed, you need alot of practice."
2. If you don't study now i can assure you that you are gonna MAMPUS (suffer)!!MAMPUS!!(she says this in a scary tone)
3. I tell you, if you can't even do this, you tak layak masuk U!!!! Kamu tak LAYAK!!!!!(huh...???)
4. I never trust counsellors!!!! NEVER!!!! if you want counselling , ask it from your parents!!! NEVER trust those counsellors!!!!
5. Bukan saya tak mau ajar kamu, but if i teach you everything and show you all the steps, you are not thinking!!!! SAYA YANG jadi PANDAI, bukan kamu...saya yang kekal pandai..kamu kekal tak sama...use your brain and think , try solving it..!!!!
6. YOU are not thinking!!!! you cannot depend on me!!! saya tak mau pelajar macam itu.!!!! think!!!!
7. Don't keep complaining!! do something about it!!! kalau kata lecturer tak baik, itu NASIB lar,, NASIB...
Thats typical Pn Shariza whom i deeply respect. She may be harsh but what she says its like super true. Despite my dislike for Maths, i will have to prove her wrong....NO pain, no gain, i can no longer wish for my fairy god mother to sprinkle magic dust on me nor i can no longer ask for my Genie in the bottle to grant every wish....i gotta work hard!!!! for maths..hehe
During this brief and short holidays, i have to work very hard on my studies, its my only option to score 4 flat. Its everything for me. Despite all the stress and fuly-pack timetable, Thank the Lord that i have Gossip Girls to accompany my hollidays...haha
GOSSIP GIRLS IS AMAZING!!!! love it SUPER..haha...BLAir...serena..chuck..nate,...dan..small J..haha...
XOXO i know you love me
Friday, August 21, 2009
i thank those who were there for me. May those cloudy days pass by as a new day approaches. May i find that happiness and joy that once filled my soul. I have to persevere, thats what i can do. Things do happen for a reason as for that, i will stay strong as this is a world of the survival of teh fittest.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
h1n1 strikes!
KMPh quarantined for 1 week!!!!..before this i thought i wanted a longer holiday, well it seems that tinkerbell must had sprinkled some pixie dust or maybe i made my wish as a meteor rain passed by...my prayers were answered somehow-an extra week of holidays.yo!!! Som, what how did i spend these holidays??
hmmm...really did nothing much aside from slacking and slothing around.studied a little...and a movie every day, so far, i have re-watched 3 Harry Potter movies and completed one of the X-men trilogy. Watched alot of TV also..somehow, i know that not before long, i have to click myself into study mode again and i bet my timetable will be flooded!well...enjoy life first lar..
i still rember last Sat at around 12.00 while i was watching One Million Star and i received a call from Young about KMPh being quarantined. Did not believe it at first . Suddenly, my phone was flooded with messages like"Kmph quarantined , kena H1N1, balik pada 9-Ogos"...wow...and i kept ringing my fellow college mates...kept receiving SMS...really kinda crazy la..
"Pn Sharaizah, KMPh kena quarantined 1 minggu kah?? H1n1??"
"ya, kah? cikgu tak tau ar."
"yalar..menakutkan lar...ada banyak kawan call lar..cikgu tak tau kah?"
"cikgu call office lar..nanti beritahu Foong.."
"Cikgu, benarlah..sidah disahkan memang quarantined la!!!!"
"yalar...saya pun baru tahu..haha"
"cikgu kesian lar..1 minggu lar..macam itu,,saya dah sedia banyak maths nak tanya cikgu lar..sudah bersiap sedia ...after they cut our holidays or give extra class..kesian la.."
"kesian..hahaha...tak apa lar..hahaha...(she kept lauging)"
oh well...i guess i'm going back the next SUnday instead. Well, btw, this is my beauty maths project..thanks to May, i kinda got the idea of stealing ideas from Monopoly and convert it into a maths board game! well i may not be creative..but this is call innovative right?

ps: Jin: u har...bahagia jor pun tak tau kongsikan..syabas
KMM: Good luck oh!!! add oil
fellow KMPhians-gonna see you guys soon...
Sk&BJ: Happy belated bday !!!yo!!!
hmmm...really did nothing much aside from slacking and slothing around.studied a little...and a movie every day, so far, i have re-watched 3 Harry Potter movies and completed one of the X-men trilogy. Watched alot of TV also..somehow, i know that not before long, i have to click myself into study mode again and i bet my timetable will be flooded!well...enjoy life first lar..
i still rember last Sat at around 12.00 while i was watching One Million Star and i received a call from Young about KMPh being quarantined. Did not believe it at first . Suddenly, my phone was flooded with messages like"Kmph quarantined , kena H1N1, balik pada 9-Ogos"...wow...and i kept ringing my fellow college mates...kept receiving SMS...really kinda crazy la..
"Pn Sharaizah, KMPh kena quarantined 1 minggu kah?? H1n1??"
"ya, kah? cikgu tak tau ar."
"yalar..menakutkan lar...ada banyak kawan call lar..cikgu tak tau kah?"
"cikgu call office lar..nanti beritahu Foong.."
"Cikgu, benarlah..sidah disahkan memang quarantined la!!!!"
"yalar...saya pun baru tahu..haha"
"cikgu kesian lar..1 minggu lar..macam itu,,saya dah sedia banyak maths nak tanya cikgu lar..sudah bersiap sedia ...after they cut our holidays or give extra class..kesian la.."
"kesian..hahaha...tak apa lar..hahaha...(she kept lauging)"
oh well...i guess i'm going back the next SUnday instead. Well, btw, this is my beauty maths project..thanks to May, i kinda got the idea of stealing ideas from Monopoly and convert it into a maths board game! well i may not be creative..but this is call innovative right?
this game is kinda not that complicated..kinda like if you landed on the yellow, pink and red papers, u have to answer simple maths quetions..(wanna play??)
i also got news that my art piece i sent to CHina for a competition has won a prize..(thats inner news)..haha...dunno la..fingers crossed.
i also got news that my art piece i sent to CHina for a competition has won a prize..(thats inner news)..haha...dunno la..fingers crossed.
ps: Jin: u har...bahagia jor pun tak tau kongsikan..syabas
KMM: Good luck oh!!! add oil
fellow KMPhians-gonna see you guys soon...
Sk&BJ: Happy belated bday !!!yo!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ipoh-my home
its gonna be the end of my 2 weeks sem break at ipoh. Sadly, i have to pack my bags and head to Pahang on Sunday....2 weeks is just not enough..
Kmph..haiz..i gotta go back and eat 'nasi goreng belacan...nasi goreng cina...curry..curry again.."..i gotta do my own laundry again...need to wake up early again..need to do assignments again..need to go back to my room again...haiz...picturing myself walking past the corridor of my hostel..haiz..the smell...the bathroom...will never be the same ...Ipoh...is the true place i can call home.
well, the bright side is that i can meet with my friends again. It's been a long time that i haven't heard and seen Ravi, Zhen Hong, Shoba...and many others.. I can picture my tutor assignments pilling up...OMG...its well quoted that 'Homework leh..can never finish geh"
Going back...Malam Dinamika is coming soon..kinda excited about my tea giving ceremony..haha..and ohya! haven't even completed my maths tutorial..all the Matrix: Cramers Rule ..ERO...driving me crazy..and Beauty Maths...OMG...
Ipoh..the place i call home...i will really cherish the time i am here..Ipoh food memang best!..gonna cherish the time i spend with my family members..
gonna go yumcha with May, Ruo Chien and others at Foh San tomorrow, +sis is coming back tomorrow..kinda looking forward to that.
Why must SEM break be so short..
Kmph..haiz..i gotta go back and eat 'nasi goreng belacan...nasi goreng cina...curry..curry again.."..i gotta do my own laundry again...need to wake up early again..need to do assignments again..need to go back to my room again...haiz...picturing myself walking past the corridor of my hostel..haiz..the smell...the bathroom...will never be the same ...Ipoh...is the true place i can call home.
well, the bright side is that i can meet with my friends again. It's been a long time that i haven't heard and seen Ravi, Zhen Hong, Shoba...and many others.. I can picture my tutor assignments pilling up...OMG...its well quoted that 'Homework leh..can never finish geh"
Going back...Malam Dinamika is coming soon..kinda excited about my tea giving ceremony..haha..and ohya! haven't even completed my maths tutorial..all the Matrix: Cramers Rule ..ERO...driving me crazy..and Beauty Maths...OMG...
Ipoh..the place i call home...i will really cherish the time i am here..Ipoh food memang best!..gonna cherish the time i spend with my family members..
gonna go yumcha with May, Ruo Chien and others at Foh San tomorrow, +sis is coming back tomorrow..kinda looking forward to that.
Why must SEM break be so short..
Monday, July 20, 2009
UPS break!!!
back in Ipoh for 2 weeks for UPS break..
alot to do:
1. Maths assignment: Beauty maths(create a game or model about maths)
2. Studies(loads of tutorial work+maths)
3. finding 'samfu' for malam dinamika(a cultural night)
aside from that, hope to enjoy as much as possible..watching loads of One Million Star and TVB dramas...need 2 refresh myself ..btw Harry Potter is OUT!!!! its a gotta/must watch movie..haha..
went visit Miss Thomasz today and she seems healthy.so..i'm happy for her and she kept telling us about the poor English standard of Malaysia's education system and we dicussed about teaching Maths and Science in BM.(that was a silly move)..haiz..speechless..
anyway, Shobana did not get a placing at KARKOm..haiz..she may have not win..but shes still a winner at KMPH..just hope she gets and feels better..
alot to do:
1. Maths assignment: Beauty maths(create a game or model about maths)
2. Studies(loads of tutorial work+maths)
3. finding 'samfu' for malam dinamika(a cultural night)
aside from that, hope to enjoy as much as possible..watching loads of One Million Star and TVB dramas...need 2 refresh myself ..btw Harry Potter is OUT!!!! its a gotta/must watch movie..haha..
went visit Miss Thomasz today and she seems healthy.so..i'm happy for her and she kept telling us about the poor English standard of Malaysia's education system and we dicussed about teaching Maths and Science in BM.(that was a silly move)..haiz..speechless..
anyway, Shobana did not get a placing at KARKOm..haiz..she may have not win..but shes still a winner at KMPH..just hope she gets and feels better..
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Nak cari apple?
UPS this week.
English-loved the feeling of writing again.
Chemistry-did fairly ok!
Maths-Careless like Crazy!
Physics-i felt the best!
i remember Bing jian telling me that my fate is still the same like f5- i have no 'jodoh' with Maths...and i am starting to believe it. Its not that the Maths Quetions were like tough..but its because of my carelessness that led me to make a fatal mistake. and because of that, its kinda frustrating! After realizing those fatal mistakes, i stormed to the cubicle...to like consult my Maths tutorial teacher and what happened was...
" Foong cari apple kah?"
Yar...mr K saw me and that was what i first heard. That kinda cheered me..haha..i'm apple boy...then i kinda like consulted him and he managed to like " Tak apa..foong...kalau cikgu itu baik hati , dia tutup satu mata sahaja"(what if they that teacher open 2 eyes?? then sure die lor)
but he kinda helped me to lik release my stress.
Here, i gotta thank Pn Noraida (physics tutorial teacher) who have been helping me alot. I love the way she teaches...the way she wants us to understand physics concepts instead of memorizing the solutionsand this is what se told me.
" foong, dari awal-awal lagi, saya sudah perhatikan bahawa anda memang careless lar."
" cikgu, saya memang careless lar..dan saya tahu saya tak clever"
"tidak lar...kau juga bijak tapi careless sahaja."
THOSE WERE conforting WORDS! Thanks!( i hoped my Physics UPS was more than enough to make her proud!)
btw people here are crazy competitive..all aiming to get full marks its like...huh???...just do your best lar..and somehow their competitveness is kinda bothering+affecting me..oh well going backto Ipoh this Sat..
English-loved the feeling of writing again.
Chemistry-did fairly ok!
Maths-Careless like Crazy!
Physics-i felt the best!
i remember Bing jian telling me that my fate is still the same like f5- i have no 'jodoh' with Maths...and i am starting to believe it. Its not that the Maths Quetions were like tough..but its because of my carelessness that led me to make a fatal mistake. and because of that, its kinda frustrating! After realizing those fatal mistakes, i stormed to the cubicle...to like consult my Maths tutorial teacher and what happened was...
" Foong cari apple kah?"
Yar...mr K saw me and that was what i first heard. That kinda cheered me..haha..i'm apple boy...then i kinda like consulted him and he managed to like " Tak apa..foong...kalau cikgu itu baik hati , dia tutup satu mata sahaja"(what if they that teacher open 2 eyes?? then sure die lor)
but he kinda helped me to lik release my stress.
Here, i gotta thank Pn Noraida (physics tutorial teacher) who have been helping me alot. I love the way she teaches...the way she wants us to understand physics concepts instead of memorizing the solutionsand this is what se told me.
" foong, dari awal-awal lagi, saya sudah perhatikan bahawa anda memang careless lar."
" cikgu, saya memang careless lar..dan saya tahu saya tak clever"
"tidak lar...kau juga bijak tapi careless sahaja."
THOSE WERE conforting WORDS! Thanks!( i hoped my Physics UPS was more than enough to make her proud!)
btw people here are crazy competitive..all aiming to get full marks its like...huh???...just do your best lar..and somehow their competitveness is kinda bothering+affecting me..oh well going backto Ipoh this Sat..
Saturday, July 4, 2009
ST Prize giving ceromony
went back to Ipoh this week to attend Prize giving ceremony...met alot of friends there..haha,..alot people say i kurus jor..haiz..just take that as a compliment! and we saw Transformers!! Bumble bee, shia, , Optimus Prime....the twins are like so AMAZING!!!!AMAZING!!! i gav a fricking standing ovation.hehe...i still dun undestand why the KMM people arent back..so kiasu 4 UPS meh..haiz..relax lar..k?
going to visit Pn chaw later with Jin and Yinleng.
Kmph electric breakdown: hope the others are OK..
Friday, June 26, 2009
No Jodoh with carcom
i din get it. Though i managed to get into top 4 for Public speaking CARCOM..i lost to fellow Ipoh gal Shobana for a spot to compete in CARCOM. If only they chose 2 speakers like previous years, i would be chosen...but...i am very happy for Shoba!!! and i hope she makes KMPh proud...i know she will..she is the calm and collected girl after all.
God is always fair and has His plan.
Instead of getting CARCOM. i gt PRD(pembimbing rakan dinamik)!!! and i am vice president for PRD!!!..haha...i hope via PRD i can learn more and help others at the same time. its after all much better to give than to receive!...
Being a PRD can be tough lar...i get teased....if i say something not PRD..Shoba will be like " Seriously, Foong, what you just said is not PRD at all"...haiz.,...but its trains me to be a better person! so i gotta think and speak with wisdom. btw: Maggie, Mei Xuan, yashini, May are among the lucky ones who got PRD
english speaking test was amazing..though i was dissapointed for not getting CARCOM..after my speaking test, Miss Zarina told us..after so many groups..this is the only group that is good!!!! YAY!!!..thanks miss Z!! she made my day so special!!
loads of work this week and UPS coming soon...and i did not do 2 well in Quiz and test ...even my Maths teacher is saying..U MeManG CARELESS LA!.gotta work harder ...that means i have to sacrifice Transformers!!! haiz..oh well...
oh ya..going back to Ipoh next week for Prize giving ceremony. and i have Fiziks day 2moro and fiziks exhibition next sat!!!..OMG right?
(p.s.: hope Jin enjoys tropical M'sia, Carmen gets teacher course, KMM and ST ppl have fun......and KMph ROCKS at all time)
God is always fair and has His plan.
Instead of getting CARCOM. i gt PRD(pembimbing rakan dinamik)!!! and i am vice president for PRD!!!..haha...i hope via PRD i can learn more and help others at the same time. its after all much better to give than to receive!...
Being a PRD can be tough lar...i get teased....if i say something not PRD..Shoba will be like " Seriously, Foong, what you just said is not PRD at all"...haiz.,...but its trains me to be a better person! so i gotta think and speak with wisdom. btw: Maggie, Mei Xuan, yashini, May are among the lucky ones who got PRD
english speaking test was amazing..though i was dissapointed for not getting CARCOM..after my speaking test, Miss Zarina told us..after so many groups..this is the only group that is good!!!! YAY!!!..thanks miss Z!! she made my day so special!!
loads of work this week and UPS coming soon...and i did not do 2 well in Quiz and test ...even my Maths teacher is saying..U MeManG CARELESS LA!.gotta work harder ...that means i have to sacrifice Transformers!!! haiz..oh well...
oh ya..going back to Ipoh next week for Prize giving ceremony. and i have Fiziks day 2moro and fiziks exhibition next sat!!!..OMG right?
(p.s.: hope Jin enjoys tropical M'sia, Carmen gets teacher course, KMM and ST ppl have fun......and KMph ROCKS at all time)
Friday, June 19, 2009
u changed your mind??
i find myself talking too much in Kmph..being here is like breaking out of the shell that use to be keeping me fron expressing me from who i truly am. here i get to be crazy...unlike in ST where being crazy is a 'sin'..haha
Known as the apple boy, i am full of joy and i tell others " you know what,I am crazy!"
At Kmph i seem to be talking with maximum velocity! haha...
Two nights ago, MX told me that she is leaving to Aimst because she cannot get to Hayat and she wants to being a doctor. thus, even getting 4 flat in Matrix may not guarantee you to a spot in doctor. we were in the library at that time..and we chatted for like an hour..
and after that, she is still confused or whether to leave or to stay...
honestly, i thought that this girl will leave(its just a hunch or wild guess) even yan ling agreed!..
two days later, she told me "you know what..because what u said, i changed my mind and I am staying!!!"..OMG..really shocked..and some people are asking me"what did you tell her..??""what made her change her mind?"...guys, i was also shocked by her decision but i respect her 100% for thinking carefully of her next step.
i remember telling her "to succeed in life, we have to take risks..maybe this is a risk you should take". This could be a gamble for her and i wish the best for her. know i realise how much impact just a few words can make to 1's life. So i better be careful with my words.
i really did not expect to convince her to stay at KMPh..she seemed that she wants to leave. Even yanling and her friends were kinda shocked!..
maybe i am a good counsellor??..haha...anyway PRD results are gonna be out next week....fingers crossed!..
(Ravi, Vincent, Trophy,Pokok Christams,REn, P2, P3.. Yang, Shorbana, Roseline, yanLing, Yannie, Jason is making my life at KMPH so interesting!!!!!)
deepest condolences to Leow and his family.May God bless you and your family.
Calvin, i hope you recover from your measles.
Known as the apple boy, i am full of joy and i tell others " you know what,I am crazy!"
At Kmph i seem to be talking with maximum velocity! haha...
Two nights ago, MX told me that she is leaving to Aimst because she cannot get to Hayat and she wants to being a doctor. thus, even getting 4 flat in Matrix may not guarantee you to a spot in doctor. we were in the library at that time..and we chatted for like an hour..
and after that, she is still confused or whether to leave or to stay...
honestly, i thought that this girl will leave(its just a hunch or wild guess) even yan ling agreed!..
two days later, she told me "you know what..because what u said, i changed my mind and I am staying!!!"..OMG..really shocked..and some people are asking me"what did you tell her..??""what made her change her mind?"...guys, i was also shocked by her decision but i respect her 100% for thinking carefully of her next step.
i remember telling her "to succeed in life, we have to take risks..maybe this is a risk you should take". This could be a gamble for her and i wish the best for her. know i realise how much impact just a few words can make to 1's life. So i better be careful with my words.
i really did not expect to convince her to stay at KMPh..she seemed that she wants to leave. Even yanling and her friends were kinda shocked!..
maybe i am a good counsellor??..haha...anyway PRD results are gonna be out next week....fingers crossed!..
(Ravi, Vincent, Trophy,Pokok Christams,REn, P2, P3.. Yang, Shorbana, Roseline, yanLing, Yannie, Jason is making my life at KMPH so interesting!!!!!)
deepest condolences to Leow and his family.May God bless you and your family.
Calvin, i hope you recover from your measles.
Robot ..humaniz-ing
Let me intro you guys to Ying Ying...a former tutorial classmate of mine. for your info, she received the JPA offer(U.K-dentistry). I have known her for about 1 month now and she's leaving. 
We actually had a small farewell for her. This is a true Taiping gal and i use to tease her being too robotic by calling her "ROBOt"(sounds mean right?) ...but this girl has truly changed alot since i met her..shes being so much more human ...i mean expression wise at least she shows her laughter....i will actually miss her..
last night when i was resting at the field....i kinda felt lonely as Ying used to jog around the track like every day!!!(she is an athlete!)...i still remember after the farwell we had, i listened to this song " First Love" by Utada Hikaru and that song nearly brought me to tears..haha..i will miss you gal...she will always be a friend of mine. and she promised to take me around Taiping to makan+play if we came down.
"you know what , when you tried to appeal to get Hayat, i actualy prayed that you won't get it , hoping you stay in Fiziks with us"
"jahat lar u"
"yala..i was kinda glad u did not get Hayat and stayed in Fz..."
"and i did not expect you to get JPA ..coz alot of the bright students did not get it after apealing. so when you got JPA..i was like OMG..well....you are leaving after all"

i knew that i was selfish for hoping that she would not change class to Hayat..but you see, God has a plan. and he has HIS way of doing things.

all the best in MARA Banting...Ying Ying, sincerly, i wish you the best...seriously...and you are 100%human.
Friday, June 12, 2009
the APPLE boy...again..
After "the history of the apple" anothe incident in lecture happened involving me.
The history of te apple 2
Our tutorial ended at 3.00p.m. and the Muslims had Islam class so that means that i have 1 hour of free time and another lecture at 4.00p.m...
Tired and ;azy, i opted to head back to my room instead of the library to take a short nap. I originally set my phone alarm to 3/45p.m. I did sleep and the alarm did ring ..but i was just termenung in my room....i was still in my dream world until i suddenly realised..
I was 4.05p.m.!!!!!!!
I am late!!!!!!!...Quickly, i rushed, ran...and just hurried to my lecture hall as fast as possible. (btw: i was having Maths lecture at that time..ohya..same lecture where the history of the apple happened")..
I opened the door..smilling blindly+sillyly...I was damn late..
" Foong dari mana kamu datang?"
"buat apa?"
"hal sendiri"(wanted to say sleeping)
"oo...meditasi nampaknya..."(whole class giggled)...(they surely know i feel asleep)...my hair was a mess..
Oh well..continued lecture...
Since that incident..i was refered in my maths lecture as PCK of KMph..(weird lar)....and my lecture mates keep saying and calling " foong....foong...foong" at all times...blimey, i have just been upgraded as a celeb in my lecture..oh well..all thanks to the 'history of an apple and the history of being late". and some Ipoh girls call me the APPLE BOY
I was so lucky that the Maths lecturer this time was En. Khairulnizam(the good lecture)..if it was the previous maths lecture that kinda XXX-ed me for eating an apple...i am like FINISHED!!!...oh well..who knoww popularity can be such a liabliity..ppl just call 'foong at all times"..well, i am fearless lar...haha...embrace the joke lor..i am kinda crazy after all
This is my life at KMPh...(interesting right??)
Went for P.S and PRD interview:
Public speaking auditon1:u were given 1 million ringgit..what would you do with it?
Public spealing audition 2: if you were a leader, how would you help spread peace?
i hope i get it...hehe..than i can say' CARCOM here i come.."
The history of te apple 2
Our tutorial ended at 3.00p.m. and the Muslims had Islam class so that means that i have 1 hour of free time and another lecture at 4.00p.m...
Tired and ;azy, i opted to head back to my room instead of the library to take a short nap. I originally set my phone alarm to 3/45p.m. I did sleep and the alarm did ring ..but i was just termenung in my room....i was still in my dream world until i suddenly realised..
I was 4.05p.m.!!!!!!!
I am late!!!!!!!...Quickly, i rushed, ran...and just hurried to my lecture hall as fast as possible. (btw: i was having Maths lecture at that time..ohya..same lecture where the history of the apple happened")..
I opened the door..smilling blindly+sillyly...I was damn late..
" Foong dari mana kamu datang?"
"buat apa?"
"hal sendiri"(wanted to say sleeping)
"oo...meditasi nampaknya..."(whole class giggled)...(they surely know i feel asleep)...my hair was a mess..
Oh well..continued lecture...
Since that incident..i was refered in my maths lecture as PCK of KMph..(weird lar)....and my lecture mates keep saying and calling " foong....foong...foong" at all times...blimey, i have just been upgraded as a celeb in my lecture..oh well..all thanks to the 'history of an apple and the history of being late". and some Ipoh girls call me the APPLE BOY
I was so lucky that the Maths lecturer this time was En. Khairulnizam(the good lecture)..if it was the previous maths lecture that kinda XXX-ed me for eating an apple...i am like FINISHED!!!...oh well..who knoww popularity can be such a liabliity..ppl just call 'foong at all times"..well, i am fearless lar...haha...embrace the joke lor..i am kinda crazy after all
This is my life at KMPh...(interesting right??)
Went for P.S and PRD interview:
Public speaking auditon1:u were given 1 million ringgit..what would you do with it?
Public spealing audition 2: if you were a leader, how would you help spread peace?
i hope i get it...hehe..than i can say' CARCOM here i come.."
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Alot people leaving KMPh..either get JPA pr canot tukar HAyat and have to remain in Fiziks. So sad lar...even i dun really know them but them have grown to be a part of KMPh....KMPh will be less vibrant, colorful without you guys....really miss you all but all the best to SInYi and Kanchana..haiz....
KMPh will always welcome you back. i am really gonne miss you all...haha...I do hope the Ipoh gang will not shrink any more...haiz..
KMPh will always welcome you back. i am really gonne miss you all...haha...I do hope the Ipoh gang will not shrink any more...haiz..
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Apple
"today i am teaching about inequalities, quadratic eauations..new chapter"
"whats your name?"(pointing at me)
" you wanna eat or learn?"
"learn"(i wanted to say both)
"den simpan lar "
quickly, i kept my apple out from sight. OMG...i was like so malu in class..oh well...i dun really care. Actually, dun think i am that berani lar...its just because i was sick ...sakit kerongkong like mad...no more water coz the water machine was like rosak.....my throat was so dry and i was just rushing from 1 class to another...and all i had w as an apple to quench my thirst....furthermore,some girls eat apple in class also tak apa...
this is the story of "the apple"..btw..i still love eating apples.
Anyway, being ketua tutor for my fiziks tutorial..i hav to help like organize a dance performance where this dance is counted into our Dinamika Kemahiran(living science) marks. hmmm....not being an avid dancer, i have to like figure out what works and what does not work. I have to just like MAke a ZERo to a hero...i plan to like organize my class to dance the kuda kepang..??? tarian cina?? and maybe an umbrella dance...haha..RIHANNA!!!!
btw: leow phoned that day and i am so happy to hear about the N.N.O....but u guys please kurangkan drama...KMPH is fun...hope the dance goes on well, hope i get PRD and Carcom 4 public speaking..
alll d best!!!!
"whats your name?"(pointing at me)
" you wanna eat or learn?"
"learn"(i wanted to say both)
"den simpan lar "
quickly, i kept my apple out from sight. OMG...i was like so malu in class..oh well...i dun really care. Actually, dun think i am that berani lar...its just because i was sick ...sakit kerongkong like mad...no more water coz the water machine was like rosak.....my throat was so dry and i was just rushing from 1 class to another...and all i had w as an apple to quench my thirst....furthermore,some girls eat apple in class also tak apa...
this is the story of "the apple"..btw..i still love eating apples.
Anyway, being ketua tutor for my fiziks tutorial..i hav to help like organize a dance performance where this dance is counted into our Dinamika Kemahiran(living science) marks. hmmm....not being an avid dancer, i have to like figure out what works and what does not work. I have to just like MAke a ZERo to a hero...i plan to like organize my class to dance the kuda kepang..??? tarian cina?? and maybe an umbrella dance...haha..RIHANNA!!!!
btw: leow phoned that day and i am so happy to hear about the N.N.O....but u guys please kurangkan drama...KMPH is fun...hope the dance goes on well, hope i get PRD and Carcom 4 public speaking..
alll d best!!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Lin dan again...
From yesterday till today , there was a total of like 2 groups of people approached me and called me"Lin Dan"..haiz...i look like Lin Dan meh...first was the Roti Canai guy..now my peers..whats next lar??..haiz....Lin Dan..i look nothing like him..maybe we share the same kening but...we are so different lar.."You mirip Lin Dan...comel"...hai
you guys remain speechless right???

Saturday, May 23, 2009
going back to Ipoh 2moro at 9.a.m. i guess its gonna be another long journey..but i need to keep reminding myself to start studying hard. After today's chat with Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka(KMM) friends, i discovered that KMPh is like way better(in my opinion).haha..no offence...its like i feel like i actually enjoy matrix life better, meeting new people...learning new things daily. KMPh seems to offer better facilities..haha..

beautiful flower at Block C
flower itu cantik kan>>
my room..isn't it neat?? my KMM friends say beter den KMM rooms wor..hehe
this is actually a card for our facilitators(abang tea, joo, jia jia, andrew, vincent, william)..it is like messages from all the non muslim students...it took me and some friends almost 3 hours to do it...+ we were interupted by a fire drill..hah..

( result)

(presenting the card)
this card may not cost RM 1 million but its full of sincerity..hope you faci's appreciate it.
this is actually a card for our facilitators(abang tea, joo, jia jia, andrew, vincent, william)..it is like messages from all the non muslim students...it took me and some friends almost 3 hours to do it...+ we were interupted by a fire drill..hah..
( result)
(presenting the card)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
KMM people finally timbul !!!!
wow..it seems KMM people not living under the rock..haha..got timbul pula..
Met some new friends daily...i feel being the ketua tutor memang burden lar..(kidding) unlike shao kang, i have to keep collect money and go to cubicle to pay the lecturers..so far like i said..my fav lesson is English where i am more known as Big bang..haha..
er...i wonder how mnay people going back this week wor..i mean from Matrix to Ipoh..hmm...duno lar..but i am so far having like a great time here...the library got open at night lar...but 25th only mula...
yesterday my friends told me that Public speaking NOT included in CARCOM ...i was like so sad ..bt....i phoned Miss Zarina and the auditions next week lar...haha..though i haven't get selected..but i see this opportunity as a chance of redeeming myself from my previous almost fatal mistake..haha..
Hope i get it lar...
KMM guys: u guys joining CARCOM??? anyone else selected as Ketua?? wat COCO u guys joined??? i wan PRD!!!!!!...haha..
btw in lab..i watchin ANTM..finale..haha
Met some new friends daily...i feel being the ketua tutor memang burden lar..(kidding) unlike shao kang, i have to keep collect money and go to cubicle to pay the lecturers..so far like i said..my fav lesson is English where i am more known as Big bang..haha..
er...i wonder how mnay people going back this week wor..i mean from Matrix to Ipoh..hmm...duno lar..but i am so far having like a great time here...the library got open at night lar...but 25th only mula...
yesterday my friends told me that Public speaking NOT included in CARCOM ...i was like so sad ..bt....i phoned Miss Zarina and the auditions next week lar...haha..though i haven't get selected..but i see this opportunity as a chance of redeeming myself from my previous almost fatal mistake..haha..
Hope i get it lar...
KMM guys: u guys joining CARCOM??? anyone else selected as Ketua?? wat COCO u guys joined??? i wan PRD!!!!!!...haha..
btw in lab..i watchin ANTM..finale..haha
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
yo!!! coming back this Fri ....will reach Ipoh at around 12.00+ (at night) and will be going back to KMPh at...Sun(9.00 a.m.)..hha..gonna leave my friends here at KMPh...bt i just feel so excited to go back 2 Ipoh..dad bought some delicious beef balls...hmm..what to eat..i feel like eating Nga CHoi Gai..even the Kmph guys keep call me to pack some food for the,..they even plan to camp at my house..reali sweat lor..
the ticket is not cheap but..oh well..around RM 80+ for through and fro. I am gonna be able to wacth AI!!!! yeppe....haha...
met alot of new friends daily...alot Ipoh friends also...KmPh has been an amazing blessing to me..i wonder how KMM is...hmm..Melaka..should be fun..right???...
btw..this week our topic of discussion has all been about our ..'droppings'...gt what color, shape , solubility....hahaha....very funny lar...even gt girls talk abt tat too..haha...tak segan right?
went cycling yesterday ...boy!!!! it was fun..when i cycle lar..gt 3 Malay girls keep laughing at me..really speechless liao...
so IPOH watch out for me!!!!..need to take alot STPM books back with me to KMPh...need 2 start revising jor...anyway...wish me luck for my audition 2moro for CARCOM (public speaking)...
HEY>>KMM guys...how are you guys>?> when come back>>>??? ...hows life??? f6 ppl keep undating me with stuff..u KMM guys like udang di bawah batu...haha...
btw: KKC...Adrian hope u guys get 2nd intake 4 matrix..coz KMPh..is SS...SYOK SENDIRI!!!!..haha..
ei,...dun malas BLOG ar..!!!!
the ticket is not cheap but..oh well..around RM 80+ for through and fro. I am gonna be able to wacth AI!!!! yeppe....haha...
met alot of new friends daily...alot Ipoh friends also...KmPh has been an amazing blessing to me..i wonder how KMM is...hmm..Melaka..should be fun..right???...
btw..this week our topic of discussion has all been about our ..'droppings'...gt what color, shape , solubility....hahaha....very funny lar...even gt girls talk abt tat too..haha...tak segan right?
went cycling yesterday ...boy!!!! it was fun..when i cycle lar..gt 3 Malay girls keep laughing at me..really speechless liao...
so IPOH watch out for me!!!!..need to take alot STPM books back with me to KMPh...need 2 start revising jor...anyway...wish me luck for my audition 2moro for CARCOM (public speaking)...
HEY>>KMM guys...how are you guys>?> when come back>>>??? ...hows life??? f6 ppl keep undating me with stuff..u KMM guys like udang di bawah batu...haha...
btw: KKC...Adrian hope u guys get 2nd intake 4 matrix..coz KMPh..is SS...SYOK SENDIRI!!!!..haha..
ei,...dun malas BLOG ar..!!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Big band+ Lolipop+ LinDan
hey yo!!! Blogging right from KMPH...well...read well...
My first impression on KMph is that i am gonna be lonely...i am gonna be labelled as the only Ipoh Guy...haiz...but..things turned out fine indeed!!!
Day 1
arrived at KMph is my formal wear..susahlah..wear baju berlengan panjang den need to carry this carry that luggage....susahlar....but than Thank Lord i have great roommates: Haikal, Hamidi and Hatim(the 3H i met)...haha..
as for my chinese friends..i met lots of Perak guys also..
Vincent who reminds me of a combination of loh kok wan and calvin nga(personality x 10)...
theres ah Phang(Sleeping buddha) ..the Pangkor guy who cannot swim...
theres Zhen Hong(the Prada guy who hails from Johor and likes to 'chuan' me with his LV, Baleno, Giordano, Prada)..
Jason..the KL guy who has a real athletic spirit and never been to Mid Valley)..OMG
..theirs KaiJie the Chung Ling taoist. and also
Gary the Penang lonewolf..haha..ohyar..
God (the KL guy) whos always carefull with his belanjawan.
okok...how to start..orientation week should be tough but thank lord of faci's(facilitators were leniant on us).((vincent, Abg tea, JiaJia, Joo, Andrew)..we average lar..whole week slept at 12.00+ and wake up at ard 3.50 to avoid bathroom traffic jam.
There were lots of taklimat ...boring...and HOT lar..like mad...HOT HOT HOT...stuffy...haha...me and my friends even slept at the halls..nonetherless...the experience was amazing...
Day 2
Jungle trekking day...we had this riadah like for the week and...we had JUNGLE trekking..cool right? Thats what you should ex[ect from Pahang right..the lush greenery which makes it ideal to experience life as a jungleman...haha..the experience was MORE than amazing..so fun...like SYOK HABIS HABIS...haha....
we had a mudbath(even the girls )..and there is like this stream of mud where we guys have to swim across....and if we are 'clean' lar..the faci's will like rendam us in mud..cool!!!!!! many people were like.."yerrrrrr" but to me its like a dream come true..i like kembara and stuff...not being ascout..this is my time to have a blast...i volunteerily like swam totally and rendam completely into the mud..haha..i am crazy lar..though i smell like DUNg but it was simple like SYOKKKK!!!!!
Day 3, 4
nothing much...met new friends lor..
Day 5
orientation over..free at last..no more timetable to follow..like..free betul lor..
Day 6
cleard my room den sleep.i chose not to follow my friends to Kuantan...haha
Day 7
went to church and had like a gathering. again..the guys are outnumbered. i was the only guy out if 17 girls...haiz....girl power????
Day 8
start classes today..all the lectures were slo far so good..the best so far was English where we had Miss Zabrina to be our lecturer. She is like a ball of laughter like...mad crazy..i love her...love..sayang ...love english lar
she called us to ask her a Quetion den i asked her
" whos yr fav singer"
"you guys dunno wan lar...girls will noe"
"tell me lar"
"ok alr..BIg Bang.."
"big band??? u must have like the oldies.."
"excuse me...u think iam old?? u think i am old?? u think i like the Bettles???"
"NO!!!! Big band is like a korean band ...i like their song lolipop!"
"hey...Big Band..is that okay i call u that to remmeber you easily?"
thats how i got my nickname BIg Band...haiz..
...had chemistry, maths, fiziks lecture and maths tutorial...everythings fine.
btw..i am the ketua for my tutorial..haiz....OMG...
well..KMPH is like amazing..dunoo hows KMM..like..i enjoyed my life..hope they enjoy too..
for my coco, i plan to join Public speaking for CARCOM( a matrix competition amg other matrix)
and for sports..either Kayak or Kembara..or maybe squash..haha...and i wanna be a PRD(kaunseling)
anyway..something very weird happen lar..the roti canani guy at my kafetaria called me Lindan..haiz..he say i look like that China genius wor..haha..i take that as a compliment..blurr..
My first impression on KMph is that i am gonna be lonely...i am gonna be labelled as the only Ipoh Guy...haiz...but..things turned out fine indeed!!!
Day 1
arrived at KMph is my formal wear..susahlah..wear baju berlengan panjang den need to carry this carry that luggage....susahlar....but than Thank Lord i have great roommates: Haikal, Hamidi and Hatim(the 3H i met)...haha..
as for my chinese friends..i met lots of Perak guys also..
Vincent who reminds me of a combination of loh kok wan and calvin nga(personality x 10)...
theres ah Phang(Sleeping buddha) ..the Pangkor guy who cannot swim...
theres Zhen Hong(the Prada guy who hails from Johor and likes to 'chuan' me with his LV, Baleno, Giordano, Prada)..
Jason..the KL guy who has a real athletic spirit and never been to Mid Valley)..OMG
..theirs KaiJie the Chung Ling taoist. and also
Gary the Penang lonewolf..haha..ohyar..
God (the KL guy) whos always carefull with his belanjawan.
okok...how to start..orientation week should be tough but thank lord of faci's(facilitators were leniant on us).((vincent, Abg tea, JiaJia, Joo, Andrew)..we average lar..whole week slept at 12.00+ and wake up at ard 3.50 to avoid bathroom traffic jam.
There were lots of taklimat ...boring...and HOT lar..like mad...HOT HOT HOT...stuffy...haha...me and my friends even slept at the halls..nonetherless...the experience was amazing...
Day 2
Jungle trekking day...we had this riadah like for the week and...we had JUNGLE trekking..cool right? Thats what you should ex[ect from Pahang right..the lush greenery which makes it ideal to experience life as a jungleman...haha..the experience was MORE than amazing..so fun...like SYOK HABIS HABIS...haha....
we had a mudbath(even the girls )..and there is like this stream of mud where we guys have to swim across....and if we are 'clean' lar..the faci's will like rendam us in mud..cool!!!!!! many people were like.."yerrrrrr" but to me its like a dream come true..i like kembara and stuff...not being ascout..this is my time to have a blast...i volunteerily like swam totally and rendam completely into the mud..haha..i am crazy lar..though i smell like DUNg but it was simple like SYOKKKK!!!!!
Day 3, 4
nothing much...met new friends lor..
Day 5
orientation over..free at last..no more timetable to follow..like..free betul lor..
Day 6
cleard my room den sleep.i chose not to follow my friends to Kuantan...haha
Day 7
went to church and had like a gathering. again..the guys are outnumbered. i was the only guy out if 17 girls...haiz....girl power????
Day 8
start classes today..all the lectures were slo far so good..the best so far was English where we had Miss Zabrina to be our lecturer. She is like a ball of laughter like...mad crazy..i love her...love..sayang ...love english lar
she called us to ask her a Quetion den i asked her
" whos yr fav singer"
"you guys dunno wan lar...girls will noe"
"tell me lar"
"ok alr..BIg Bang.."
"big band??? u must have like the oldies.."
"excuse me...u think iam old?? u think i am old?? u think i like the Bettles???"
"NO!!!! Big band is like a korean band ...i like their song lolipop!"
"hey...Big Band..is that okay i call u that to remmeber you easily?"
thats how i got my nickname BIg Band...haiz..
...had chemistry, maths, fiziks lecture and maths tutorial...everythings fine.
btw..i am the ketua for my tutorial..haiz....OMG...
well..KMPH is like amazing..dunoo hows KMM..like..i enjoyed my life..hope they enjoy too..
for my coco, i plan to join Public speaking for CARCOM( a matrix competition amg other matrix)
and for sports..either Kayak or Kembara..or maybe squash..haha...and i wanna be a PRD(kaunseling)
anyway..something very weird happen lar..the roti canani guy at my kafetaria called me Lindan..haiz..he say i look like that China genius wor..haha..i take that as a compliment..blurr..
Saturday, May 9, 2009
New strength
May 8th:
3.00 p.m.
Everyone waiting anxiously for the JPA results(including me). It postponed to 5 pm.
5.00 p.m.
Tried to get into esila JPA but failed.
6.00 p.m.
Tried again...but still failed getting into esila JPA.
took a rest and took Waggie for a walk.
6.50 p.m.
Went to fetch Shao Kang to MP.
Digging in at MP
11.15 p.m.
Results of JPA out...everyone had butterflies in their tummies. There were 3 lucky ones.(leow, kah wai, Yik Hoe)
11.40 p.m.
I checked esila JPA.(before that Pn chaw sms-ed me, thanks)
_i did not get the scholarship_
May 9th(my sister's bday)
4.30 a.m.
I broke down suddenly during sleep. Cried . Tears just ran down my cheeks. I felt terrible, miserable.
I feel terrible now. I feel like a bundle of emotions trying to drown me down. It seems that i am no longer able to control myself. I feel like a lunatic. I feel like being beaten down. I am not strong enough. I can no longer hold the tears. I just feel weak. I don't wanna lose these all. I can't bear to miss this!!!
I feel so weak and vulnerable now. Tears are still flooding my eyes. I already feel homesick without even leaving the footsteps of my house. I will miss everything: bathing my dog, having dinner with my family, sending soup to my grandparents, calling my friends. I feel like i am about to leave my family.I miss my bed, Ipoh. I cannot believe it, this may be the very last nights that i am going to sleep in my bed in Ipoh. I suddenly feel the urge to stay. i tend to appreciate every single moment. I just could not tend to leave my family and friends as i love them and care for them so deeply that i am not capable of losing them. I cannot bear with the thoughts of leaving with my family.
This is the first time i am leaving my family for such a long period of time and without noticing it, i actually miss them more than i know. These tears keep streaming down my cheeks.
i feel weak. Am i not as strong as i thought?
Guys and gals:
Yes , JPA would give me the chance of a life time to study abroad but it seems that i have already acepted God's decision no matter whether i get to study overseas anot. I was not nervous when the results were announced. My heartbeat did not even pace up.( i have no regrets of my interview)
Maybe i did not want this as much as i seem i wanted it. Maybe i just did not really care for JPA, maybe i have prepared myself 100% that i would be heading off to Pahang, but i have to say that the thoughts of leaving Ipoh is just killing me.
There is none like my family and friends. Thank you Lord for your mighty love.
They are my tower of love, my pillar of strength, my essence of joy.
Nothing compares to the love i have for my family and friends.
It seems ironic that i would even shed a tear for something like leaving my family and friends. But it just came naturally. Never i have thought of imagining myself in this awkward position.
So...GOOD Luck to you all!!!! I will cherish the last day i am in Ipoh!!! Wait for my calls and smses!!!
visit me in Gambang!! as this is going to be a new chapter in my life!!!! i wanna invite you guys into the pages of my life. You guys are like ink in a diary: irreplaceable.
3.00 p.m.
Everyone waiting anxiously for the JPA results(including me). It postponed to 5 pm.
5.00 p.m.
Tried to get into esila JPA but failed.
6.00 p.m.
Tried again...but still failed getting into esila JPA.
took a rest and took Waggie for a walk.
6.50 p.m.
Went to fetch Shao Kang to MP.
Digging in at MP
11.15 p.m.
Results of JPA out...everyone had butterflies in their tummies. There were 3 lucky ones.(leow, kah wai, Yik Hoe)
11.40 p.m.
I checked esila JPA.(before that Pn chaw sms-ed me, thanks)
_i did not get the scholarship_
May 9th(my sister's bday)
4.30 a.m.
I broke down suddenly during sleep. Cried . Tears just ran down my cheeks. I felt terrible, miserable.
I feel terrible now. I feel like a bundle of emotions trying to drown me down. It seems that i am no longer able to control myself. I feel like a lunatic. I feel like being beaten down. I am not strong enough. I can no longer hold the tears. I just feel weak. I don't wanna lose these all. I can't bear to miss this!!!
I feel so weak and vulnerable now. Tears are still flooding my eyes. I already feel homesick without even leaving the footsteps of my house. I will miss everything: bathing my dog, having dinner with my family, sending soup to my grandparents, calling my friends. I feel like i am about to leave my family.I miss my bed, Ipoh. I cannot believe it, this may be the very last nights that i am going to sleep in my bed in Ipoh. I suddenly feel the urge to stay. i tend to appreciate every single moment. I just could not tend to leave my family and friends as i love them and care for them so deeply that i am not capable of losing them. I cannot bear with the thoughts of leaving with my family.
This is the first time i am leaving my family for such a long period of time and without noticing it, i actually miss them more than i know. These tears keep streaming down my cheeks.
i feel weak. Am i not as strong as i thought?
Guys and gals:
Yes , JPA would give me the chance of a life time to study abroad but it seems that i have already acepted God's decision no matter whether i get to study overseas anot. I was not nervous when the results were announced. My heartbeat did not even pace up.( i have no regrets of my interview)
Maybe i did not want this as much as i seem i wanted it. Maybe i just did not really care for JPA, maybe i have prepared myself 100% that i would be heading off to Pahang, but i have to say that the thoughts of leaving Ipoh is just killing me.
There is none like my family and friends. Thank you Lord for your mighty love.
They are my tower of love, my pillar of strength, my essence of joy.
Nothing compares to the love i have for my family and friends.
It seems ironic that i would even shed a tear for something like leaving my family and friends. But it just came naturally. Never i have thought of imagining myself in this awkward position.
So...GOOD Luck to you all!!!! I will cherish the last day i am in Ipoh!!! Wait for my calls and smses!!!
visit me in Gambang!! as this is going to be a new chapter in my life!!!! i wanna invite you guys into the pages of my life. You guys are like ink in a diary: irreplaceable.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
In tour: wonderland

My baby flower growing beautifully..haha...
But unfortunately..some flowers wilted!!! so sad...but its beautiful.isn't it...not completely blossomed though...

But unfortunately..some flowers wilted!!! so sad...but its beautiful.isn't it...not completely blossomed though...

i love my garden. In fact, i like gardening. I hate that people have stereotypes that Males have to be a sports fan or have to be a football fan, be an expert in engineering and maths to be considered masculine. This is nonsense and ridiculous. Every single one of us is special and different in our very own way and we deserve the right to be respected for our own interests...haha..
Gotta go 2 Pahang gelor..starting to pack today...and almost all done...haha...in total: 1 big luggage, 3 small ones. Will really miss Ipoh and i will really value these days in my hometown. Btw: When isJPA results gonna be out??????haiz...confused, speechless...
I have everything gua....bible...books..snacks....clothes...haha..rags...toothbrush..anythings to remind me?? and LZC called me in accident today!!! so great to hear from you!!! can't wait to cya 2moro.haha
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Come rain, come shine!!!
its 6.05 in the morning...it rained....and guess what? i intended to go to Kledang Hill with a couple of friends. Apa lar...now i can just wait for the rain to stop.
Yesterday was a total mess, now the rain. Is everything trying to pour down my spirit? Well, this just come to the fact that in really...not everything planned will go as planned.
Life is like a bed of roses.(in my mind). Roses smell amazing, look lovely..but don't forget about the thorns...they may prick you to your death. Oh well, i ca only pray and wait. laws of attraction: think positive!!!!
Come rain , come shine!
Yesterday was a total mess, now the rain. Is everything trying to pour down my spirit? Well, this just come to the fact that in really...not everything planned will go as planned.
Life is like a bed of roses.(in my mind). Roses smell amazing, look lovely..but don't forget about the thorns...they may prick you to your death. Oh well, i ca only pray and wait. laws of attraction: think positive!!!!
Come rain , come shine!
Monday, May 4, 2009
SPot and correct!!!
Finally, my job as a tuition teacher has officially ended. Though i was not able to complete their exam week with them but i did alot of revision for them before i leave. Sounds dedicated right? And you know what? I am a genius in spotting questions!!!!
apparently, for the boy's making sentences segment, Alot of sentences were done before. there was 1 about the butcher, and ostrich, cheetah....and also about a cat. All these sentences i discussed before..HOORAY!!!! but leh..unfortunately..the boy made some silly mistakes..the " a" " an" "the" ..he forgot again..and lost marks unnecessarily, never mind la..he did his best and sudah banyak improved..and ohya..the boy din know wat a cheetah is!!!! OMG..lucky he guessed correctly..given a picture of a cheetah to guide him.haha..wacth more ANIMAL PLANET!
They have another exam to go this week..wish them the best of luck! Tomorrow going to wacth Wolverine: the origins!!! Great!!! i love X-men!!!! and wed going to climb hill...Fri going to farewell...sat going yumcha with old librarian gang...and this week will be a week full of simply delicious IPOH delicacy before i head off to Pahang!!
btw..reading the Devil wears Prada!!! so amazing.. haha..
apparently, for the boy's making sentences segment, Alot of sentences were done before. there was 1 about the butcher, and ostrich, cheetah....and also about a cat. All these sentences i discussed before..HOORAY!!!! but leh..unfortunately..the boy made some silly mistakes..the " a" " an" "the" ..he forgot again..and lost marks unnecessarily, never mind la..he did his best and sudah banyak improved..and ohya..the boy din know wat a cheetah is!!!! OMG..lucky he guessed correctly..given a picture of a cheetah to guide him.haha..wacth more ANIMAL PLANET!
They have another exam to go this week..wish them the best of luck! Tomorrow going to wacth Wolverine: the origins!!! Great!!! i love X-men!!!! and wed going to climb hill...Fri going to farewell...sat going yumcha with old librarian gang...and this week will be a week full of simply delicious IPOH delicacy before i head off to Pahang!!
btw..reading the Devil wears Prada!!! so amazing.. haha..
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A raise in Pay
last night was my 2nd last day as a tuition teacher. Its been 4 long months and a tiring time. But i have to say that i'm proud and happy to be able to help the children. In 2 weeks, i taught the girl from Kata Ganda, kata hubung, kata dasar, kata majmuk, kata tunggal ....so much to teach. teaching them, i have to ride a rocket instead of a roller coaster. I have to fast forward everything and summarize it so that can fair well in their exams.
Well, this week is exam week and its a crazy week for me. I have to give them tests and make the boy make over 30 sentences to prep him for the english paper tat he wil be sitting today. I hope he fairs well and does not repeat the mistakes i taught over and over again a zillion times. I told them:" 我把人家四五年學的英文在短短四個月傳教給你們, hope u can zap sang lar."
actually as their teacher i am happy that they improved . I saw from a 0 to a 55 improvement. But i'm happy that i changed their study 'budaya'. meaning that from a chinese cartoon couch potato, i kinda forced them to switch to be an English cartoon kid. and i kinda make them watch at least an hour of Animal Planet(my friends say that i am crazy) per week..haha...+they know how to check the dictionary now! gonna miss them!
and the best thing is that their mum actually raised my pay RM 50 as they kinda appreciated what i had done to help them. The money was not the best deal, its the appreciation you earn from your hard work that really counts for me! really satisfied.....haah...all the best to Yong Zhi Fong and Yong Siew Ling. You guys better work hard and do well in your exams!
Well, this week is exam week and its a crazy week for me. I have to give them tests and make the boy make over 30 sentences to prep him for the english paper tat he wil be sitting today. I hope he fairs well and does not repeat the mistakes i taught over and over again a zillion times. I told them:" 我把人家四五年學的英文在短短四個月傳教給你們, hope u can zap sang lar."
actually as their teacher i am happy that they improved . I saw from a 0 to a 55 improvement. But i'm happy that i changed their study 'budaya'. meaning that from a chinese cartoon couch potato, i kinda forced them to switch to be an English cartoon kid. and i kinda make them watch at least an hour of Animal Planet(my friends say that i am crazy) per week..haha...+they know how to check the dictionary now! gonna miss them!
and the best thing is that their mum actually raised my pay RM 50 as they kinda appreciated what i had done to help them. The money was not the best deal, its the appreciation you earn from your hard work that really counts for me! really satisfied.....haah...all the best to Yong Zhi Fong and Yong Siew Ling. You guys better work hard and do well in your exams!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Celebrity Hunt in Penang!
Just back from Penang, primarily
In Penang, walau...makan really banyak. Believe it or not for only 1 day(Saturday) we had 6 stops at diff places for our meal. 2 stops for breakfast, 2 stops for lunch and another 2 more stops more for DINNER!!!! Feeling the sence of OMG??? duned worry, everything is in small portions...so that we can share share.haha
For breakfast, we ate Char Kuey Teow(my fav) at Sisters(along Maclister road). We arrived Penang around 8 and by the time we help my sister pindah pindah around 9 jor la...den eat my favorite...Char kuey teow. There was crab meat and it was spicy, but delicious like always. But leh..a little to oily lor..wanted to tell the auntie:"在今天的這 moderen 的 society人很注意健康的.每天說要減肥,瘦身..so oily..not good after all lar.." haha...(joking la). Later also went to ate Prawn mee and had Lo Bak. I just love the prawn type of Lo Bak...really delicious leh...but prawn mee is not for me...wan me 2 cirit birit meh!
Next stop: Queensbay Mall. There, we first went to Dragon -I( famous for the Small dragon pau).Ate 小龍包 (may favorite). While we were at Dragon-I, i found out that there was actually a charity fashion show+modelling contest contest going on later that day and in the afternoon, they were rehearsing!!!! and guess what? i saw Miss Deborah Henry(Miss M'sia 2008), Elaine Daly(former miss m'sia, tv host, tv personality) and also Henry(8tv Quickie)!!!! They were working the runway, strutting down, following their cheorography. For the first time in my life, i saw a LIVE fashion show(though rehearsel sahaja) but it was so cool.haha...
when we left Dragon-I, i saw a lot of those models walking infront of us. They were tall...but leh..they 'seemed' tall sahaja. I told my sis" Actually leh, they not very tall jek..you see their hair? All poofed up jek and they are wearing high heels mar...ceh"..haha..After shopping for my matrix stuff(i bought 2 pair of slacks, 3 ties, 3 Shirt,6 new T shirts)..we even went to Canton-I for some tea.(cantonese cuisine)
oh and by the way..when i came out from Canton-I, i was suddenlystrucked by an amazing voice. The voice seemed familiar...Misha Omar???hmm..no..and i looked to my right and for goodness sake, i saw Dina !!!(1st runner up from M'sian Idol 1)...she was fantastic! this girl has BIG pipes and her voice can blow me away just like a kite! Her performance was totally a breath of fresh air!!! Her power pack vocals and bubbly personality is such a wonderful act to behold. This powerhouse is just damn remarkable, leaving me just asking me for more!! Apparently, Dina was performing for the Anugerah Industri Muzik roadshow. Regardess of whatever , i give this girl a 9/10!!
For dinner, we went to have Oo-jien(fried oysters) and had a wonderful dinner at a seaside restaurant for some authentic Penang cuisine.
The best is left for the last..presented my Dad his B'day present(frm me and my sis) which i wrapped!..haha.wish him the best of health and also prosperity for being half a decade old!

looks like after this day of heavy meals..in gotta burn these calories in the gym..haha
- to help my sis pindah balik ke Ipoh for her 2 week sem break.
- to prep for my KMPH life(buy clothes etc..........)
- to makan-makan
In Penang, walau...makan really banyak. Believe it or not for only 1 day(Saturday) we had 6 stops at diff places for our meal. 2 stops for breakfast, 2 stops for lunch and another 2 more stops more for DINNER!!!! Feeling the sence of OMG??? duned worry, everything is in small portions...so that we can share share.haha
For breakfast, we ate Char Kuey Teow(my fav) at Sisters(along Maclister road). We arrived Penang around 8 and by the time we help my sister pindah pindah around 9 jor la...den eat my favorite...Char kuey teow. There was crab meat and it was spicy, but delicious like always. But leh..a little to oily lor..wanted to tell the auntie:"在今天的這 moderen 的 society人很注意健康的.每天說要減肥,瘦身..so oily..not good after all lar.." haha...(joking la). Later also went to ate Prawn mee and had Lo Bak. I just love the prawn type of Lo Bak...really delicious leh...but prawn mee is not for me...wan me 2 cirit birit meh!
Next stop: Queensbay Mall. There, we first went to Dragon -I( famous for the Small dragon pau).Ate 小龍包 (may favorite). While we were at Dragon-I, i found out that there was actually a charity fashion show+modelling contest contest going on later that day and in the afternoon, they were rehearsing!!!! and guess what? i saw Miss Deborah Henry(Miss M'sia 2008), Elaine Daly(former miss m'sia, tv host, tv personality) and also Henry(8tv Quickie)!!!! They were working the runway, strutting down, following their cheorography. For the first time in my life, i saw a LIVE fashion show(though rehearsel sahaja) but it was so cool.haha...
when we left Dragon-I, i saw a lot of those models walking infront of us. They were tall...but leh..they 'seemed' tall sahaja. I told my sis" Actually leh, they not very tall jek..you see their hair? All poofed up jek and they are wearing high heels mar...ceh"..haha..After shopping for my matrix stuff(i bought 2 pair of slacks, 3 ties, 3 Shirt,6 new T shirts)..we even went to Canton-I for some tea.(cantonese cuisine)
oh and by the way..when i came out from Canton-I, i was suddenlystrucked by an amazing voice. The voice seemed familiar...Misha Omar???hmm..no..and i looked to my right and for goodness sake, i saw Dina !!!(1st runner up from M'sian Idol 1)...she was fantastic! this girl has BIG pipes and her voice can blow me away just like a kite! Her performance was totally a breath of fresh air!!! Her power pack vocals and bubbly personality is such a wonderful act to behold. This powerhouse is just damn remarkable, leaving me just asking me for more!! Apparently, Dina was performing for the Anugerah Industri Muzik roadshow. Regardess of whatever , i give this girl a 9/10!!
my hp camera v. cha sahaja..but Dina was amazing!
For dinner, we went to have Oo-jien(fried oysters) and had a wonderful dinner at a seaside restaurant for some authentic Penang cuisine.
The best is left for the last..presented my Dad his B'day present(frm me and my sis) which i wrapped!..haha.wish him the best of health and also prosperity for being half a decade old!
nice kan??haha.
looks like after this day of heavy meals..in gotta burn these calories in the gym..haha
Friday, April 24, 2009
Blue Sky
before reading this post, have a cup of sky juice first!
My daily routine goes like this. Every evening, i would sure take Waggie for a walk around the field and somewhere near the neighborhood. Kesian lar..always terperangkap in my house. And i have to say that this is the happiest time of the day. Not mainly because i get to stroll or spend time with Waggie . But the main reason is that i get the chance to look right up into the sky and just be marvelled by the beauty of nature.
Sometimes, its Okay to stop and lift your heads up high. Yet, when i look up high in the sky ...its not completely clear, in other words, the lovely sky is blocked by houses or by telephone wires...spoiling my view. I feel that many people today never learn when to stop . Most just bother to go ahead and climb their way to the top. Others rather cuddle and are too afraid to move forward and instead back off. Well, its okay to take a pause and just relax.
Some idle realistic guy may say:" Look at the sky see what wor...cloud and blue only mar". Well, that true! Bingo ! but looking at the endless sky seems to be like looking into a new world without boundaries, restrictions. Try it yourself. you see, people of my generation are just trapped in a world where internet and TV exist. Look right up into the crystal cerulean sky and you will feel the sparkle that i feel daily. Sometimes looking at the sky reminds me that ANYTHing is possible and all you have to do is to believe. Dreams can be powerful. Never ignore that. Its just relaxing, feeling the unlimited space, the glory of God's creation.
The world is round and thus everyone is looking at the same sky right? I guess that i am gonna leave in around 2 weeks and be away from home. I guess i won't get the chance to enjoy such a view in Pahang. Maybe i will be too tired or maybe my view will be blocked by the concrete jungle. I just hope that whenever i look up into the sky, i get the same feeling that my loved ones are under the same sky too. This might make me feel closer to them. This world is after all a small world.
At days, the sky could be this calm blue with cloud like cotton wool floating endlessly in different shapes and sizes, on other days ,the rays of light would be radiating effortlessly on the lining of clouds creating this amazing blend of colors, sparkling my light-its almost like a glimpse of heaven!(it looks like there's a silver lining in every cloud) (I am not making this up!!!!!!!! its really frickkin amazing!!!!). However on some days, the sky maybe filled with shades of grey indicating that its gonna time to sing "ELLA ELLA, Under my....ELLA".
I hope i can always be in cloud 9. I remember that in my secondary days, i studied about this Malay literature piece" Syair keindahan Alam " (something like that). And i truly understand it now. Based on only nature, you can learn the virtues of life!
Cheer up, to those who are facing difficulties. Let GO...
My daily routine goes like this. Every evening, i would sure take Waggie for a walk around the field and somewhere near the neighborhood. Kesian lar..always terperangkap in my house. And i have to say that this is the happiest time of the day. Not mainly because i get to stroll or spend time with Waggie . But the main reason is that i get the chance to look right up into the sky and just be marvelled by the beauty of nature.
Sometimes, its Okay to stop and lift your heads up high. Yet, when i look up high in the sky ...its not completely clear, in other words, the lovely sky is blocked by houses or by telephone wires...spoiling my view. I feel that many people today never learn when to stop . Most just bother to go ahead and climb their way to the top. Others rather cuddle and are too afraid to move forward and instead back off. Well, its okay to take a pause and just relax.
Some idle realistic guy may say:" Look at the sky see what wor...cloud and blue only mar". Well, that true! Bingo ! but looking at the endless sky seems to be like looking into a new world without boundaries, restrictions. Try it yourself. you see, people of my generation are just trapped in a world where internet and TV exist. Look right up into the crystal cerulean sky and you will feel the sparkle that i feel daily. Sometimes looking at the sky reminds me that ANYTHing is possible and all you have to do is to believe. Dreams can be powerful. Never ignore that. Its just relaxing, feeling the unlimited space, the glory of God's creation.
The world is round and thus everyone is looking at the same sky right? I guess that i am gonna leave in around 2 weeks and be away from home. I guess i won't get the chance to enjoy such a view in Pahang. Maybe i will be too tired or maybe my view will be blocked by the concrete jungle. I just hope that whenever i look up into the sky, i get the same feeling that my loved ones are under the same sky too. This might make me feel closer to them. This world is after all a small world.
At days, the sky could be this calm blue with cloud like cotton wool floating endlessly in different shapes and sizes, on other days ,the rays of light would be radiating effortlessly on the lining of clouds creating this amazing blend of colors, sparkling my light-its almost like a glimpse of heaven!(it looks like there's a silver lining in every cloud) (I am not making this up!!!!!!!! its really frickkin amazing!!!!). However on some days, the sky maybe filled with shades of grey indicating that its gonna time to sing "ELLA ELLA, Under my....ELLA".
I hope i can always be in cloud 9. I remember that in my secondary days, i studied about this Malay literature piece" Syair keindahan Alam " (something like that). And i truly understand it now. Based on only nature, you can learn the virtues of life!
Cheer up, to those who are facing difficulties. Let GO...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Avoid myself dying 9 times!
A cat is said to have nine lives. Do i have 9 lives to survive the much scared F6?? i guess i am more vulnerable than invincible.
Starting to pack to Pahang jor. Need to bring a lot of clothes(formal alot lor) ...toothbursh, all those..and maybe some snacks!...what else ar? i want to bring my own pillow..haha. This is no camp, this is gonna be my home for the next year, so must bersiap sedia bagi menghadapi pelbagai situasi berlainan. i guess Matrix is the best choice for me personally. Lets say if i go f6 and die 9 times and get okay results for STPm , in the end also same destiny-balik ke local U. matrix leh...is kinda like prep-ing me for the Uni life jor..haha...
So, at KMPh need to adapt to a completely new environment. The sad thing is that, none of my friends were sent to Pahang. The great news is that i can start over all again. So new and first impression ge lo. How to intro myself ar??" Yoyoyo!!! wasup...DAWG!!!! "haha....or " A very good morning to all of my fellow new friends." haha....aiya watever lar... I am a fighter+ chameleon mar. Must adapt ge ma.
Matrix....haha...kinda excited to go. Seeing the new and cool facilities makes me like go ..WA WA WA...haha...aiya...go there need to start studying again. I guess i will be taking up FZ. haha...need to study backk MAths and Chemistry. Haiz....never mind la..another step closer to ARchitecture.
At matrix need to always formal wear leh...long sleeve..panas lar...and v. "guk" ...need to wear tie also..haiya...bussiness conference meh!..aiya...adapt, adapt.I can do it!. The food there also new culture jor. Though i may give up Chinese cuisine but i can't really take too much spices. My tummy may turn from butterflies to peanut butter lar..haiya..but i have to say the makmal komputer looks like so COOL. at least more high tech than my pc la(it won't be windows 98 hor??)
Pahang leh...if can leh i wanna go Taman Negara. nature..love nature..greens..haha...i wanna go mountain trekking those also...aiya...must have fun also mar...the quiet fun...hehe.. To my fellow friends staying in Ipoh pursuing F6 in ST...good luck! Hope you guys can enjoy your f6 life too...Bon Jour!!!!
Hey....i just found out that May 11 is the third week of May, that means by then can know JPA results jor ...dunno leh..of course i hope i get JPA lar..architecture still my first priority. In other words i feel studying Chemistry, Bio , Maths those are kinda like EXTRA for me sahaja. I hope lar..can fly away and study architecture and i am gonna design frickin AMAZING avant garde buildings!!!!
btw: I am gonna miss alot of shows lor in Matrix...American IDOL!!!! ANTM!!!!! Project Runway!!!!! desperate Housewives!!!! Ugly Betty!!!!!!!!...haiz...and the much awaited "Goong Sam Gai" where Sister Guk and Aunty Red gt act ge leh..I wanna watch the finale of AI and ANTM before i go ar!!!! haha..
Starting to pack to Pahang jor. Need to bring a lot of clothes(formal alot lor) ...toothbursh, all those..and maybe some snacks!...what else ar? i want to bring my own pillow..haha. This is no camp, this is gonna be my home for the next year, so must bersiap sedia bagi menghadapi pelbagai situasi berlainan. i guess Matrix is the best choice for me personally. Lets say if i go f6 and die 9 times and get okay results for STPm , in the end also same destiny-balik ke local U. matrix leh...is kinda like prep-ing me for the Uni life jor..haha...
So, at KMPh need to adapt to a completely new environment. The sad thing is that, none of my friends were sent to Pahang. The great news is that i can start over all again. So new and first impression ge lo. How to intro myself ar??" Yoyoyo!!! wasup...DAWG!!!! "haha....or " A very good morning to all of my fellow new friends." haha....aiya watever lar... I am a fighter+ chameleon mar. Must adapt ge ma.
Matrix....haha...kinda excited to go. Seeing the new and cool facilities makes me like go ..WA WA WA...haha...aiya...go there need to start studying again. I guess i will be taking up FZ. haha...need to study backk MAths and Chemistry. Haiz....never mind la..another step closer to ARchitecture.
At matrix need to always formal wear leh...long sleeve..panas lar...and v. "guk" ...need to wear tie also..haiya...bussiness conference meh!..aiya...adapt, adapt.I can do it!. The food there also new culture jor. Though i may give up Chinese cuisine but i can't really take too much spices. My tummy may turn from butterflies to peanut butter lar..haiya..but i have to say the makmal komputer looks like so COOL. at least more high tech than my pc la(it won't be windows 98 hor??)
Pahang leh...if can leh i wanna go Taman Negara. nature..love nature..greens..haha...i wanna go mountain trekking those also...aiya...must have fun also mar...the quiet fun...hehe.. To my fellow friends staying in Ipoh pursuing F6 in ST...good luck! Hope you guys can enjoy your f6 life too...Bon Jour!!!!
Hey....i just found out that May 11 is the third week of May, that means by then can know JPA results jor ...dunno leh..of course i hope i get JPA lar..architecture still my first priority. In other words i feel studying Chemistry, Bio , Maths those are kinda like EXTRA for me sahaja. I hope lar..can fly away and study architecture and i am gonna design frickin AMAZING avant garde buildings!!!!
btw: I am gonna miss alot of shows lor in Matrix...American IDOL!!!! ANTM!!!!! Project Runway!!!!! desperate Housewives!!!! Ugly Betty!!!!!!!!...haiz...and the much awaited "Goong Sam Gai" where Sister Guk and Aunty Red gt act ge leh..I wanna watch the finale of AI and ANTM before i go ar!!!! haha..
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tour inside KMPh(kem matrikulasi Pahang)

KMPH at Gambang. Gambang is near Kuantan.kinda d east (near the ocean)..far from Ipoh..

makmal pc..why the moniter in the desk geh??so HIGH TECH ar..

tennis court

bilik tutorial.

the lab lagi new then ST ge la..haha

the lecture hall so COOL!!!!! I LIKE


ada bas wor

Asrama leh...v. new lor (looks lar) haha...kinda new..

like a new town lor

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