2008 has been almost like a bless to me. People say that your days in your high school life would shape you, would influence you the most. 2008 being the last year of my high school days, being the last chance that i could enjoy school life, maybe being the last time i could see most of my friends. To me, 2008 marks a year where new lessons are learnt , new relationships are bonded, new chapters being unfold. 2008 is no doubt a year to remember.
People always say 'sweet 17' and it is after experiencing it that i understood the true meaning of being 'sweet 17' . Being 17 is like biding goodbye to those days you could act like a child, its like marking the beginning of adulthood, its almost like ecydsis where you undergo a tough and complicated process and shed of your old skin, growing a new one. Its a year where you finally understood the purpose behind those farewells, the meaning of friendship, the importance of finding your truly identity. High school life or secondary life is like a strenuous process in looking for my true identity, my true colours. Blue, Purple, Black...all those shades of colours represents a different self. Being yellow, I could be that cheerful, silly, bright. Being blue, i could be cool, calm. i rather see my self as a combination of purple+orange(silly, talkative, calm, weird, MCC)
2008 has been a year where i fostered great relationships. New friendships have been formed, closer relationships are formed. From the guy sitting right beside to me, to the guy from the next class, to the girls from tuition, to the gang of librarians, to friends from Form 4, having these friends being beside me from time to time is the greatest blessing i have to say for 2008. i feel that this year is a year where i finally found the true me. I had the chance to full express myself in class, i had the time of my life. I do not know why but this year i tend not to try second guess myself and just go for it. there were chances that i felt just really being myself without like thinking "should i do this or do that?" sometimes, i find it better to just go for it. Its my last year in high school and this is my last year to fully express myself as a going-to be adult. i find myself sometimes rather childish often playing roles of 紅孩兒,吸妖道士 in class. I would be like taking my water bottle and pretend it is my "labu"( a bottle like container where during the shows, the sifu use to suck in demons) and play around in class. haha.....those were the days i had most fun in my class. During chemistry, i had the most fun with my "labu" where my friends asked me to pretend my dear teacher as a 妖精 and 收拾 her. We used to have fun, real fun that i assume many friends would not understand.
2008 could be the year of fame and glory for me, but oh well. Being overconfident is the main reason of my failure. I was chosen for Public speaking, malay debate and malay forum. Out of those 3, oh well, i din't fare to well, however it won't keep me away from achieving my dreams. These experiences could only make me stronger. That moment when i stood on stage to present my speech during Public speaking is a time i would try to forget. Its not that i was afraid but its the overconfidence and insufficient preparations that made me stiff and fail.haha...it was a great experience though. At the end i was like teased all around by my friends as i like told them that i would 'bersinar' and 發光發熱 on the stage. And for Malay debate, i never expected so much drama and 'black' politics(with KKC in your team, be prepared for tonnes of drama, haha). Before the competition, we were already broken as a team=sure lose. Being a team with kkc in the Malay forum competition was the highlight of everything. It was like, we had chemistry, it was instant fire on the stage. Not to say that i am boasting but me and kkc in Malay forum=amazing.haha...too bad our competition was rather strong and there was a misunderstanding of competition rules that at the end led us to another failure..haha
2008 is the year i was introduced to an amazing person, one that fired spark lights , one that shined , one that is truly wonderful inside and out -曾沛慈. i guess my friends would already be quite familiar with 沛慈 since i always talk about her daily and believe me, i could go on and on talking about 沛慈 without stop. Shes tall, amazing, beautiful-having all the qualities that i look for. haha...when i say Pets(沛慈) is the best , my friends would be like 'go open your Pets shop la. i see a resemblance in me and her character wise. She has this MCC quality that seems so intriguing to me like a mystical fairytale creature.
2008 also means a year where i have to make decisions that could change my life. My career, my future path means everything to me. The end of school life can mean a new path to me. What is my next BIG step? Matriculation? Form 6? College? SAMS? its like a bundle of quetion marks. Am i sure achitecture is my path? after all, architecture is a blend of science and art which i could see myself surviving in. Is it going 2 be my passion? I tend to like skecthing art pieces and friends were like, join Project Runway...being in fashion? i am sceptical about it. It's not a bed of roses. Sketching a few designs is easy but being the next Marc Jacobs, CoCo Chanel? Between photography and fashion? Photography wins hands down but is it going to be my career?No. Architecture remains my passion for now. Maybe i could draw inspiration from fashion and photography in my future architecture designs. Just, mabe.
2008 has been an interesting roller-coaster ride for me. Lots of laughter, lots of fun. Everything has to come to an end. Thinking back, school life is something i would always remember, cherrish. My life as a high school student. it seems so interesting that everything seems to pass by so fast. Life nothing more than a brief candle. Friends are leaving and entering my life at the same time. Doors are being opened and closed at the same time. Knowing that some of my friends will be pursueing their studies in no time and leaving marks another end of another chapter. Will this set us apart? Apart from that, to my friends who have been sent to National Service, i miss you guys dearly. You guys are undergoing a life-changing experience and i do hope that i could experience the same thing as well. Good luck to you all.
Ecydsis- a process of growth, change seems in parallel to what i am experiencing now. Au Revoir 2008.....
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
War and Beauty
Through TV shows, we learn, we learn the language, we learn new words, we learn values, we learn the drive of life, we get inspired. War and Beauty is an epic drama that revolves around the struggle of power and the emperor's favor between concubines of the Qin dynasty. This drama was aired nationwide in 2004 and has received nothing more than rave reviews. Recently, this drama has reaired on TVB Xing He(Channel 314) and has brought back endless memories to me.
Featuring 4 of TVB's top actress, Sheren Tang, Charmaine Sheh, Gigi Lai and Maggie Cheong, this is no doubt considered the true drama that defined the drama of the century, inspiring others, captivating the audiences with the spectacular scenaries of the ancient Forbidden City and convincing acting. These four actress each played a different lady from completely different family backgrounds, each telling a story of her own, each having their own motives, each having both beauty and brains. Beauty can be used as both a lethal weapon to protect oneself and also as an extra asset to charm others. Using their beauty and brains, what all these four women aimed for is to climb to the top and gain the emperor's favour. Each using different tactics, including treachery and trickery to gain their aims. Betrayal, hatred, backstabbing are the most appropriated words to describe these four concubines' journey in the Forbidden City.
Everyone has a different story. Lets take Sheren Tang's portrayal of 如玥 an initially favored concubine who eventually fell out of favor with the Emperor after losing a power struggle with the Empress. Not everyone is born with a cold heart. Not everyone is cruel at first glance. In order to survive in the Forbidden City, she understood that only power could take her all the way to the top and most importantly save her life. After entering the doors of the Forbidden City at the age of 16 , she had to fight her way through different obstacles to gain the emperor's favour. After her first miscarriage(caused by the Empress), the once gentle and soft hearted girl turned into a cold and bitter lady. Using her intelligence and power, she was both demonic and threatening to other concubines. She was like this lethal beauty and she has those almost demonic stare . I have the give Sheren a thumbs up for being so convincing as this powerful figure.
Yet, this epic story is truly a touching one. Some may see it as boring compared to shows with lots of drama-Moonlight Resonance. To me, this drama is not completely all about the drama. Its about the true meaning, the message its trying to portray. Whenever these concubines plot against each other, its just so exciting and scary at the same time, keeping me thinking- can this end up to me? Is all this backstabbing really happening in the real world? The truth is, all these is truly evident in today's concrete jungle where the lust ,envy and greed prevails. I admire their strength to survive. after all, this is truly the survival of the fittest.In future, friends may betray you, use you and by that time, there is nothing much you can do. Trust, to me among friendship in any single relationship is dominant. However, i do not believe that lies and treachery can bring you any where. You may have it all-power, money. Yet, is this all worth it? i hope i do not see that in any part of my future.
And to add, the wardrobe of those concubines are exquisite i have to say. Every pattern, every single motif is like a marvel to me. Chinese culture is amazing. War and Beauty is truly a remarkable drama.haha
It is not humans who are complicated. It is humans themselves who make things complicated. Live your life the fullest as you only live once.
Featuring 4 of TVB's top actress, Sheren Tang, Charmaine Sheh, Gigi Lai and Maggie Cheong, this is no doubt considered the true drama that defined the drama of the century, inspiring others, captivating the audiences with the spectacular scenaries of the ancient Forbidden City and convincing acting. These four actress each played a different lady from completely different family backgrounds, each telling a story of her own, each having their own motives, each having both beauty and brains. Beauty can be used as both a lethal weapon to protect oneself and also as an extra asset to charm others. Using their beauty and brains, what all these four women aimed for is to climb to the top and gain the emperor's favour. Each using different tactics, including treachery and trickery to gain their aims. Betrayal, hatred, backstabbing are the most appropriated words to describe these four concubines' journey in the Forbidden City.
Everyone has a different story. Lets take Sheren Tang's portrayal of 如玥 an initially favored concubine who eventually fell out of favor with the Emperor after losing a power struggle with the Empress. Not everyone is born with a cold heart. Not everyone is cruel at first glance. In order to survive in the Forbidden City, she understood that only power could take her all the way to the top and most importantly save her life. After entering the doors of the Forbidden City at the age of 16 , she had to fight her way through different obstacles to gain the emperor's favour. After her first miscarriage(caused by the Empress), the once gentle and soft hearted girl turned into a cold and bitter lady. Using her intelligence and power, she was both demonic and threatening to other concubines. She was like this lethal beauty and she has those almost demonic stare . I have the give Sheren a thumbs up for being so convincing as this powerful figure.
Yet, this epic story is truly a touching one. Some may see it as boring compared to shows with lots of drama-Moonlight Resonance. To me, this drama is not completely all about the drama. Its about the true meaning, the message its trying to portray. Whenever these concubines plot against each other, its just so exciting and scary at the same time, keeping me thinking- can this end up to me? Is all this backstabbing really happening in the real world? The truth is, all these is truly evident in today's concrete jungle where the lust ,envy and greed prevails. I admire their strength to survive. after all, this is truly the survival of the fittest.In future, friends may betray you, use you and by that time, there is nothing much you can do. Trust, to me among friendship in any single relationship is dominant. However, i do not believe that lies and treachery can bring you any where. You may have it all-power, money. Yet, is this all worth it? i hope i do not see that in any part of my future.
And to add, the wardrobe of those concubines are exquisite i have to say. Every pattern, every single motif is like a marvel to me. Chinese culture is amazing. War and Beauty is truly a remarkable drama.haha
It is not humans who are complicated. It is humans themselves who make things complicated. Live your life the fullest as you only live once.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Skin rashes
back from Penang today after celebrating Christmas there. I was watching 'the nanny' when i told my mum about the rashes on my back. My mum panicked at once.....shes always like that. Dad was like worried it was a skin infection or disease and took me to see the doctor.
it was rather worrying going to the doctor. who know what those rashes are, or what they mean. Its like...scary. What if it was skin disease or worse-skin cancer. sei lor. Skin cancer...prepared myself for the worse. haiz....is life so short? what am i going to do next. that was what that popped up in my mind along my journey to the doctor.
so had a 1 to 1 time with the doctor. The doctor checked me and guess what? Its not cancer, but its kinda like a skin disease -can be cured geh. He told me that it had been spreading behind my back and believe it or not, the doctor said it started 1 year ago. Really shocked me. One year ago? The Doctor gave me pills and some cream to apply and told me that it might take some time for the rashes to heal but it will heal. So, let it heal.
this makes me realise that when ever you feel unwell or unsure about your body, never be afraid to consult your parents or your doctor.
Health is wealth.
it was rather worrying going to the doctor. who know what those rashes are, or what they mean. Its like...scary. What if it was skin disease or worse-skin cancer. sei lor. Skin cancer...prepared myself for the worse. haiz....is life so short? what am i going to do next. that was what that popped up in my mind along my journey to the doctor.
so had a 1 to 1 time with the doctor. The doctor checked me and guess what? Its not cancer, but its kinda like a skin disease -can be cured geh. He told me that it had been spreading behind my back and believe it or not, the doctor said it started 1 year ago. Really shocked me. One year ago? The Doctor gave me pills and some cream to apply and told me that it might take some time for the rashes to heal but it will heal. So, let it heal.
this makes me realise that when ever you feel unwell or unsure about your body, never be afraid to consult your parents or your doctor.
Health is wealth.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Embrace yourself, embrace the new you
Ending school life is like telling yourself that you are free, liberated from those school rules that inhibit you from dying your hair with rainbow colours or dressing up like a superstar. To me, ending school life does not make such a difference to me as i am rather this conservative, casual, simple guy. My style consists of just a pair of cool jeans and simple T-shirts. Thats me.
Fashion sense can be drawn from inspiration. You could look through the magazines and be like "hey, i want to look just like him". You could have a celebrity you adore and want to be a duplicate of that celebrity. To me, fashion is more of being comfortable, showing the correct image you are trying to portray without being explicit, showing your personality and feeling good of your attire. Sometimes, i truly agree that less is more as simplicity is sometimes the best medicine to a fashion disaster.
Changing your image can range from changing your hair, spectacles or even your attire. I find Asians(mostly Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) in particular are more like street fashion. its like, the way they dress, they present themselves are like more street, punk, rock. You could walk along the streets of Tokyo, Hong Kong or even Kuala Lumpur seeing teenagers with those spiky hair dyed in different shades of colours, wearing heavy accessories and trendy spectacles. Fashion is always changing. As Heidi Klum from Project Runway cleverly quotes ' in fashion, one day you are in, and the next day you are out'. Those words are true as today leather pants might be the what 'hot' but tomorrow, maybe metallic may be the new leather. Get it? That is why i prefer the more laid back type of dressing. looking simple, timeless, elegant(not in exact for me) and comfortable.
what i would like to say is that every era has its trends. Like the 60's is all about the Big hair, those polka dot skirts, those heavy and disco like accessories but you won't want to look like your era. what you would like to look like is like your age. Dressing up like your era is like looking back at the old photos and be like " Did i look like that back then?..." Its all about the timeless effect that i am trying to say. Nevertheless, dressing up is all about being yourself, thus before buying anything, think again. "Is this the image i am trying to portray? Am i going for that street fashion look?'. Fashion is after all a way of expressing yourself.
who does want to look like Prince charming or Cinderella. Yet, finding the right style for yourself is crucial. finding the right attire, the right look can make you feel from zero to hero. It can make you feel great as if you have finally broken free from your silky cocoon and break free, metamorphosing into something beautiful, gorgeous.
A friend told me that he after getting his first salary, he was going to get himself a D&G Mens' fragrance to award himself. And i was like..what?....OMG...why wear perfume when you are only 17? Its like...speechless. And for your information, D&G stuff can cost you your life.
Simplicity is beauty to me. Looking simple yet thoughtful about your attire is the hardest thing to do. My friend urged to send me for a makeover when we went for tea. Well, lets see how things go first ....
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Undang test...
undang(driving) test today and boy, i was a bundle of nerves ..so takut coz my other friends did like so well. DBJ ar...LKF, LZC all get 48/50. DYS n LJY get 45/50. If i fail reli like malu lor. i can only get 8 wrong to pass the test. Dilemma. what to do? i was always known as the rather MCC person . My friends tell me people see me also know i get easily tricked. haiz...and the worst thing is, i forgot what i studied jor....all the point demerit and stuff...sei lor..
went there early(ard 7.45) and luckily we got there early coz by around 8.15 the place was starting to get full. Me, Calvin and Japheth were waiting for our turn. While waiting we were like hei must tolong each other ar....colour blind ar...canot wrong ar..must help ar..saling membantu amalan mulia. the funny thing while waiting to take the test was that after our registeration, we had to take like a passport photo there. And calvin was up first. The thing was that Calvin leh he sit like sudah serong. Then leh the aunty siiting behid me keep on ejek him say his posture posture posture. So funny, and Calvin was like making those faces to us. Aiya..so funny. Later when the camera was ready to take his photo, tak berjaya. You know why? they say his specs to glaring, canot take the picture...haiz....wat camera lai de...calvin keep ejek-ejek
my turn to take the photo, lagi cham. First time, fail coz my eyes were like looking at another side. Retake lor. Then ,time for exam. We had to first complete a colour blind test and latrer start our undang test. The problem is that i forgot jor many iof the road signs.....sei..and while i was doing the test, i kicked the wire of the pc. My moniter blacked out...what lar..so malang
got some assistance and continued the test. at last waited for my results..takut fail but luckily got 45/50...ok la...although not as ood as my peers, but at least passed. That calvin and Japehth got 50/50. And that calvin keep like 'chuan' me. Sei yeh lar...
and befor we leave, we have to get back our IC's and to do that, we had to like rectify our fingerprints. We had to place our thumb on this small machine to do so. The things is that i tried about 6 times also fail. Last time also the same thing happened. Dunno la...weird....my Thumb too big isit? or i used to much strength? Don't bother
Now i can take my driving lessons. yeppee..can be closer to drive....my dream car....the two door Toyata...
went there early(ard 7.45) and luckily we got there early coz by around 8.15 the place was starting to get full. Me, Calvin and Japheth were waiting for our turn. While waiting we were like hei must tolong each other ar....colour blind ar...canot wrong ar..must help ar..saling membantu amalan mulia. the funny thing while waiting to take the test was that after our registeration, we had to take like a passport photo there. And calvin was up first. The thing was that Calvin leh he sit like sudah serong. Then leh the aunty siiting behid me keep on ejek him say his posture posture posture. So funny, and Calvin was like making those faces to us. Aiya..so funny. Later when the camera was ready to take his photo, tak berjaya. You know why? they say his specs to glaring, canot take the picture...haiz....wat camera lai de...calvin keep ejek-ejek
my turn to take the photo, lagi cham. First time, fail coz my eyes were like looking at another side. Retake lor. Then ,time for exam. We had to first complete a colour blind test and latrer start our undang test. The problem is that i forgot jor many iof the road signs.....sei..and while i was doing the test, i kicked the wire of the pc. My moniter blacked out...what lar..so malang
got some assistance and continued the test. at last waited for my results..takut fail but luckily got 45/50...ok la...although not as ood as my peers, but at least passed. That calvin and Japehth got 50/50. And that calvin keep like 'chuan' me. Sei yeh lar...
and befor we leave, we have to get back our IC's and to do that, we had to like rectify our fingerprints. We had to place our thumb on this small machine to do so. The things is that i tried about 6 times also fail. Last time also the same thing happened. Dunno la...weird....my Thumb too big isit? or i used to much strength? Don't bother
Now i can take my driving lessons. yeppee..can be closer to drive....my dream car....the two door Toyata...
Friday, December 19, 2008
The girl with the Big voice

Talent shows such as American Idol and X-factor have been taking over the world, spreading fever, causing hype among teenagers and people all around the globe, setting a new mark to define what music really is. These shows have not just born talents that marvel us but it also unifies us, making us realize how wonderful life is. Oh yes, thats how we feel when we listen to a song that defines and represents us-a signature song that truly connects to our inner core, a true melody that touches even the coldest heart, a lyric that melts you instantly.
Leona Lewis, Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Shane Ward, Jaclyn Victor have rose to become household sensations, sending sparklights whenever they sing. Its truly a sensational moment to hear them LIVE(if given the golden opportunity). It would be like a dream come true.haha....they say that when one sings with his heart, no matter what song is it, he will send goosebumps throughout your body, touching you. We are after all human beings and we have our own feelings and that is what that sets us apart from others, machines, robots.
Who knew that a single shot at a competition could become a true dream true. Today who else haven't been 'Bleeding love' or haven slept well since the "Breakaway". Its like a dream, an almost impossible feat to achieve and yes, these people with those Big voices managed to WOW us. This is their moment and today, most of them haven grown into music stars of tomorrow.
Leona, dubbed the lovechild of Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston remains one of my favourites today. Her sweet personality and pure voice charms me. She is one who i believe who sings with her heart. Discovered through talent competiton X-factor and mentored by Simon Cowell and music mogul Clive Davis, there is no doubt that this diamond in the rough is sparkling brighther than ever. She just makes us keep bleeding, keep keep bleeding love. Her recent appearance at the closing ceromany of the 2008 Beijing Olympics marks her as an international star, a singer who still has endless potential.
Another iconic singer that i must mention out must be Jaclyn Victor. i have like writen about her for so many time in my esays. Even for my SPM english essay, i wrote about her(for essay title: a person who ahve worked hard). Striving to be the best, Jaclyn has kept her standard high. Her voice tells it all. At the finale of Malaysian Idol, i still remember her amazing, breathless rendition of" Gemilang "(Glory) that sent instant goosebumps throughout the audiences of the Arena of Stars and also to the audiences sitting in front of the television. It was like the birth of a star, she was like the savior to the Malaysian music industry- our hope. Her glorious last note, that endless burst of energy that star quality makes her truly uniquly versatile. Till today, i still get the goosebumps when she sings Gemilang. Its just"Gemilang, realiti...." The lyrics...oh...makes me feel great. When i do my exams, i usually like set a song in my mind to create a mood and this is like my absolute favourite song to play in my mind.
a true song can lighthen up even during the darkest hour. A heartfelt performance could touch millions of hearts. what that makes a singer or song so original so perfect is the soul. Every song has its soul, its tale, its story. Some singers have the Big voice, some singers could reach those high notes and do those whistle registers, some have voices like acrobats that marvels us, some just have a pure voice. No matter how good technically you are vocally, if you forget or ignore about the true soul of the song , in the end people would just be like WOW for 5 minutes. After that, people would forget about it. In the mean time, a sincere intepretation of a song may not require the best voice but is more than enough to penetrate through one's soul, creating what i would call magic. That is why sometimes i favour singers who tells a story with his song rather that tell the world how good a singer he is.
recently, i was surfing through the internet and found two new talents. Alexandra Burke(winner of X-factor season 5) and Charice(a 16 year old singing sensation who hails from the Phillipines and have dueted with Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli). Alexandra was dubbed the next Leona based on her strong vocals wheares Charice's vocals have been receiving nothing more that praise. Ti an extent, Alexandra's rendition of Hallelujah has been receiving rave reviews.These two are forces that the world has to be reckoned off. Who says that the world is only big enough for Britney Spears or Madonna? these singers ought to be watched out.

Sing with your heart, sing with your soul. That is what that make music so universal so special. It is a tool that is capable to spread love, to spread joy, to brighten up your day. Imagine yourself in a corner of your room listening queitly to the song that tells the story of your life. that moment would be precious.
went to listen undang on Wed with calvin. I din't know what to expect. Is it going to be boring? You mean i can't talk for 5 hours?really OMG. Actually we previously plan to go to listen undang in a big group. Oh well, now left us two. Whats next.
so, we went to the centre and the 'lesson' started. So , apparently, there were 2 instructors. Great. First, we were given these colour blind test or practices and each of us were given different sets to do. So we started doing lor. Then, calvin leh like bisik-bisik, say he cannot differentiate wor. Din bother him. Then he asked me to like exchange papers with him. He din't want to fail the test. Still din choose to bother him. Then leh while the instructor was not noticing leh he exchanged my paper with him call me to do for him. That sei yeh la. Smile, smile , smile over there. What to do, do for him sia.Who knows he is Colour blind?
Listening undang was like so sien. Luckily, i had company. At the driving institute, we met Japheth so got lagi seorang teman to chat with. So, throughout the 5 hour long undang talk, we chat quite a while and there was nobody to scold us. haha....but we did pay attention lar...but some topics really boring ge mar....esp those car maintenance..haiz
during our break, even saw Kan Wye Yip and Xue Ming. They just came back from undang test. Then continued with the talk. Luckily leh change jor instructor. Even though he speaks a little t0o fast, at least he was loud and can keep me awake. Not bad lar...
after out talk, we had to like book when we had to take our test. Japeheth and calvin insisted to take their test on next Tuesday which i did not agree to. I wanted to take my test on Saturday.(later got to know bing jian also taking the test on Sat). Their excuse wor..scared cannot finish reading, scared fail wor..excuse....
my conclusion for that day was listening to undang was not that terrifying after all. If you have teman , at least got people to talk to. Even the instuctor say, "boleh tidur..".Ohya, just remembered that sei Calvin Nga leh in the classroom sit like almost going to fall, then the instructor like pointed out " duduk baik-baik, nanti jatuh"...he har..so malu...haha
so taking the test next Tues...waiting...
so, we went to the centre and the 'lesson' started. So , apparently, there were 2 instructors. Great. First, we were given these colour blind test or practices and each of us were given different sets to do. So we started doing lor. Then, calvin leh like bisik-bisik, say he cannot differentiate wor. Din bother him. Then he asked me to like exchange papers with him. He din't want to fail the test. Still din choose to bother him. Then leh while the instructor was not noticing leh he exchanged my paper with him call me to do for him. That sei yeh la. Smile, smile , smile over there. What to do, do for him sia.Who knows he is Colour blind?
Listening undang was like so sien. Luckily, i had company. At the driving institute, we met Japheth so got lagi seorang teman to chat with. So, throughout the 5 hour long undang talk, we chat quite a while and there was nobody to scold us. haha....but we did pay attention lar...but some topics really boring ge mar....esp those car maintenance..haiz
during our break, even saw Kan Wye Yip and Xue Ming. They just came back from undang test. Then continued with the talk. Luckily leh change jor instructor. Even though he speaks a little t0o fast, at least he was loud and can keep me awake. Not bad lar...
after out talk, we had to like book when we had to take our test. Japeheth and calvin insisted to take their test on next Tuesday which i did not agree to. I wanted to take my test on Saturday.(later got to know bing jian also taking the test on Sat). Their excuse wor..scared cannot finish reading, scared fail wor..excuse....
my conclusion for that day was listening to undang was not that terrifying after all. If you have teman , at least got people to talk to. Even the instuctor say, "boleh tidur..".Ohya, just remembered that sei Calvin Nga leh in the classroom sit like almost going to fall, then the instructor like pointed out " duduk baik-baik, nanti jatuh"...he har..so malu...haha
so taking the test next Tues...waiting...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Fond memories
have you looked through old photos of you and asked yourself" Is that me?"...well, there is a lot of quetions that arise when you look through all those photos. You could be like "Don't want to see those photos, i want to forget about those past" or you could end up like "i look so cute...look...look...". It depends on each other after all each photo, each represents a memory, a piece of your past and a piece of puzzle that makes you you today.
Done a lot of cleaning these days and found lots of old photos of me. My parents took so many photos of me when i was a baby...those were fond memories....i was so chubby when i was in primary school(forget the past). what i really like is when i was a child like during those kindergarten years...so sweet memories.
In those pictures, my sister was also there aside me. She was so pretty. That is why i keep telling my friends my sister leh actually has that 'pretty gene'. It is just her crave for food and laziness that kinda shed her beauty. Even though she is not model material(in terms of body size), she is very beautiful geh. Back then when i look back at those old photos she was always hugging me...wah....i so bahagia ge ar..haha..
my parents wanted to take a lot of pictures for us so that we could keep these memories forever. Now, my mum is like explaning 1 picture at a time as i write this post. She keeps like...why aren't you happy of your photos?..why arent you smilling?....That is you lar...Well, sometimes you can smile in your heart. Sometimes i prefer to keep things inside me...if only there is someone i can share ..haha...lucky i have this blog.
looking back at those baby photos of mine..i always could not run away from that baby fat....haiz...i also did not know when i was a baby, i actually had this mohawk...haha..later post some of those photos lar...
All these photos make me realize how fortunate and happy i am. Its like you don't need millions of cash to keep yourself happy. Never neglect your family.haha...i will try to not 'gek' them...haha
Done a lot of cleaning these days and found lots of old photos of me. My parents took so many photos of me when i was a baby...those were fond memories....i was so chubby when i was in primary school(forget the past). what i really like is when i was a child like during those kindergarten years...so sweet memories.
In those pictures, my sister was also there aside me. She was so pretty. That is why i keep telling my friends my sister leh actually has that 'pretty gene'. It is just her crave for food and laziness that kinda shed her beauty. Even though she is not model material(in terms of body size), she is very beautiful geh. Back then when i look back at those old photos she was always hugging me...wah....i so bahagia ge ar..haha..
my parents wanted to take a lot of pictures for us so that we could keep these memories forever. Now, my mum is like explaning 1 picture at a time as i write this post. She keeps like...why aren't you happy of your photos?..why arent you smilling?....That is you lar...Well, sometimes you can smile in your heart. Sometimes i prefer to keep things inside me...if only there is someone i can share ..haha...lucky i have this blog.
looking back at those baby photos of mine..i always could not run away from that baby fat....haiz...i also did not know when i was a baby, i actually had this mohawk...haha..later post some of those photos lar...
All these photos make me realize how fortunate and happy i am. Its like you don't need millions of cash to keep yourself happy. Never neglect your family.haha...i will try to not 'gek' them...haha
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Art is and always will be a part of my life. Its like i breathe, eat and sleep with art. Its all about illustration and illusion, creating this mystic feeling, capturing beauty in a single glance.
Keeping this picture like a beauty shoot, something like a cosmetics campaign
tried editing using Microsoft Picture Manager to give this dark and mysterious touch
Art has been a passion for me. i was free so drew something. Its kinda frustrating ti not be able to capture the true essence,the sparkle, the true and raw beauty of Hillary Rhoda. I kinda copied this from a magazine. Need to improve.
Do comment, i hope to improve.
Lets narrow it down...
There is recently a lot of concern about my future. My friends are like working, some are intending to further their studies overseas,some learning to drive, some are going for scholarship interviews. Everyone seems occupied with their own future lives. Why the rush?
Its as if we have to choose our paths now. Its like a decision we have to make and i better make the right decision. So after much consideration, i have finally narrowed it down to three careers. Lets see...
Lawyer...well i won't say i have the gift of the gap, but i can talk a lot. Frankly speaking i am known to have the 'big' mouth, so my voice is kinda like louder i guess? there are times i try to like whisper or control my voice but can't seem to work. Its like high frequency? the person i find in common having this dilemma is Calvin Nga. haiz....we can both speak like having microphones all the time. Ok..back to being a lawyer, i like thought of like being those contract type of lawyer? You know those that help to prepare contracts? It seems to be quite a lucrative business i guess?....a lawyer..not bad geh..can consider.i am sometimes very outspoken also like i have my own opinions and i would stick to them.Its like having your own stand. The bad thing is that i have to like memorize a lot of laws. Haiz....and you know when you watch those TVB series when those lawyers kind of are helping those criminals to fight justice? what if i become like one of them? next..
Architect...a job that i think is the balance between art and science. One needs to have like good imagination and determination. Well its kind of the only job that may allow me to express myself creatively at the same time professionally. Its like i can be inspired and use this inspiration in architecture. Lets say Birds Nest? Its like so such an iconic place now. Its like the building of the century. I want to be an architect like that. Like designing modern/ art/ inspiring buildings that i could be proud of. yet, being an architecture means i many need to be like under the sun all the time. Its not that i dun like the sun but i dun like to sweat when i am in like proper clothes. You know, dressing smartly the sweating???....does not make sense to me.
Business/management...watching shows like The Apprentice really like built up the interest in me . Its like kinda tough yet its kinda attracting. The like challenges and this may be the right field for me. Yet, its still hard to choose the exact field i want to be in. being in the corporate world may not be as easy as it seems. The backstabbing...the competition..the stress...can i take all this in?
Really hope to get a scholarship to help me to fulfill my dreams. i really want to make it overseas, its the experience, the different environment i am vying for. That is why sometimes i really admire those people who can study abroad. So lucky.oh well, God has a path for me and if it takes me to go through hell to get it without like bercanggah with my integrity, i will go for it. I am a fighter.
so still deciding now. Any opinions..haiz
Its as if we have to choose our paths now. Its like a decision we have to make and i better make the right decision. So after much consideration, i have finally narrowed it down to three careers. Lets see...
Lawyer...well i won't say i have the gift of the gap, but i can talk a lot. Frankly speaking i am known to have the 'big' mouth, so my voice is kinda like louder i guess? there are times i try to like whisper or control my voice but can't seem to work. Its like high frequency? the person i find in common having this dilemma is Calvin Nga. haiz....we can both speak like having microphones all the time. Ok..back to being a lawyer, i like thought of like being those contract type of lawyer? You know those that help to prepare contracts? It seems to be quite a lucrative business i guess?....a lawyer..not bad geh..can consider.i am sometimes very outspoken also like i have my own opinions and i would stick to them.Its like having your own stand. The bad thing is that i have to like memorize a lot of laws. Haiz....and you know when you watch those TVB series when those lawyers kind of are helping those criminals to fight justice? what if i become like one of them? next..
Architect...a job that i think is the balance between art and science. One needs to have like good imagination and determination. Well its kind of the only job that may allow me to express myself creatively at the same time professionally. Its like i can be inspired and use this inspiration in architecture. Lets say Birds Nest? Its like so such an iconic place now. Its like the building of the century. I want to be an architect like that. Like designing modern/ art/ inspiring buildings that i could be proud of. yet, being an architecture means i many need to be like under the sun all the time. Its not that i dun like the sun but i dun like to sweat when i am in like proper clothes. You know, dressing smartly the sweating???....does not make sense to me.
Business/management...watching shows like The Apprentice really like built up the interest in me . Its like kinda tough yet its kinda attracting. The like challenges and this may be the right field for me. Yet, its still hard to choose the exact field i want to be in. being in the corporate world may not be as easy as it seems. The backstabbing...the competition..the stress...can i take all this in?
Really hope to get a scholarship to help me to fulfill my dreams. i really want to make it overseas, its the experience, the different environment i am vying for. That is why sometimes i really admire those people who can study abroad. So lucky.oh well, God has a path for me and if it takes me to go through hell to get it without like bercanggah with my integrity, i will go for it. I am a fighter.
so still deciding now. Any opinions..haiz
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Whole day packing my house. Its been two days already. Started yesterday. packed all the unwanted books, packed my bedroom, packed everywhere and it goes on....need to keep my house clean and its not easy. I have to like paksa my sister to help clean up.
"No . No . No. No going out". That was what i told her. Haiz...tired but....must go on. Bye-bye my PJ clothes, selamat tinggal Mathemathics and Chinese. Very suang when i threw away my chinese books....so happy, a sense of relief.
plan to like makeover my house. at least can be more nice and presentable lar. You know, when guest come, you won't feel embarassed....haha...or like..don't come to my house right?
anyway, phoned Erican and enquired about the French courses they offered. RM 600 for 20 hours. OMG....now have to seriously consider first. dunno how LZC's undang went today? poor guy, he had to listen alone for 5 hours.
"No . No . No. No going out". That was what i told her. Haiz...tired but....must go on. Bye-bye my PJ clothes, selamat tinggal Mathemathics and Chinese. Very suang when i threw away my chinese books....so happy, a sense of relief.
plan to like makeover my house. at least can be more nice and presentable lar. You know, when guest come, you won't feel embarassed....haha...or like..don't come to my house right?
anyway, phoned Erican and enquired about the French courses they offered. RM 600 for 20 hours. OMG....now have to seriously consider first. dunno how LZC's undang went today? poor guy, he had to listen alone for 5 hours.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Mengarut(part 4)
last day at Penang was like...haiz...
So, to start my day, me and shao kang took a short walk around Macallister Road..jalan-jalan saja. Later leh, me , kkc and zhi cong went like sight-seeing around Little India. If not mistaken that region was recently declared as the World Heritage Site so pegi tengok-tengok lor...
Little India-wah..sure very geng. what i pictured was Beyonce-type ladies like dancing their heels off to the beat of the fresh, vibrant and hip Indian music. Trust me, i was ready to like go Bollywood. i was like sceptical at first. Little India wor..how would it be..? are all of them going to be in Sarees(traditional Indian costumes) welcoming us? Maybe they would like put a necklace of flowers around our necks...(oh no...to0 Hawaii...)
When we reached, too bad a lot of stalls not yet open. Its like 11.00 jor lor. never mind, nothing was going to stop me from having some fun, so i like .."ah...nanananana...lalala.."(to lift up the Indian spirit in us) until i was stopped by KKC.haiz..can't i just have some fun?
Talking about Little india, we were honestly a little disappointed, nothing like what i expected. The vibrant colors...nothing..oh well..i expected to be Indian-fied. i was ready to feel like..."o...your Hips don't lie...shakira. shakira"...haiz..tak ada pun...
well, the architecture surely din't disappoint. Those buildings were like a mix of what i would say olden English and contemporary asia. Its like almost a unique fuchsia, almost like ice kacang , mixed with different ingredient, colourful and at the same time tantalizing and you get this unique flavour... really inspired...haha.

there, my friend KKC even went for fortune telling. RM 5 . It was like haiz...the lady see cards only mar...then say this say that. actually, i was interested, curious to like listen to what she said. Honestly speaking, i did not feel comfortable. There were like these idols everywhere. I actually regretted like taking that casey(kkc) there. i am christian(thought like not that devoted) i should be taking him to church, motivating him to be like believing in himself but there was i taking him and allowing him to hear this 'karut'. so sorry yer..casey(kkc the lala)
well, the highlight was at the end when we were on the way home. we took this bus and we actually like missed the stop??...then leh i kena marah...haiz..actually, i wanted to walk back but they all lor...lazy...wanted to take a cab(RM 12 ar ar kor...walking distance only mar , +zhi cong no money geh)....went to have our lunch at the famous , Sisters' Char Kuey Teow. It was like the best meal at penang for me. It smelled well and it tasted amazing. Imagine yourself , after walking like miles having a plate of hot char kuey teow...walau....sedapnya..really a must-eat..
the sad news was...we all were left no money. RM 0 . For the lunch and the taxi, we gave jor all our money. You see, i had RM 5, kkc had RM 4 left..then Zhi Cong..lets not mention the word money to him..i still remember his innocent smile. First time , no more cash in my wallet. Luckily, we walked back..
then ar...sat a bus back lor...reached Ipoh around 4. then need to rendam my beach clothes, sudah like basah+busuk.
okok...can write emo back jor..
So, to start my day, me and shao kang took a short walk around Macallister Road..jalan-jalan saja. Later leh, me , kkc and zhi cong went like sight-seeing around Little India. If not mistaken that region was recently declared as the World Heritage Site so pegi tengok-tengok lor...
Little India-wah..sure very geng. what i pictured was Beyonce-type ladies like dancing their heels off to the beat of the fresh, vibrant and hip Indian music. Trust me, i was ready to like go Bollywood. i was like sceptical at first. Little India wor..how would it be..? are all of them going to be in Sarees(traditional Indian costumes) welcoming us? Maybe they would like put a necklace of flowers around our necks...(oh no...to0 Hawaii...)
When we reached, too bad a lot of stalls not yet open. Its like 11.00 jor lor. never mind, nothing was going to stop me from having some fun, so i like .."ah...nanananana...lalala.."(to lift up the Indian spirit in us) until i was stopped by KKC.haiz..can't i just have some fun?
Talking about Little india, we were honestly a little disappointed, nothing like what i expected. The vibrant colors...nothing..oh well..i expected to be Indian-fied. i was ready to feel like..."o...your Hips don't lie...shakira. shakira"...haiz..tak ada pun...
well, the architecture surely din't disappoint. Those buildings were like a mix of what i would say olden English and contemporary asia. Its like almost a unique fuchsia, almost like ice kacang , mixed with different ingredient, colourful and at the same time tantalizing and you get this unique flavour... really inspired...haha.
there, my friend KKC even went for fortune telling. RM 5 . It was like haiz...the lady see cards only mar...then say this say that. actually, i was interested, curious to like listen to what she said. Honestly speaking, i did not feel comfortable. There were like these idols everywhere. I actually regretted like taking that casey(kkc) there. i am christian(thought like not that devoted) i should be taking him to church, motivating him to be like believing in himself but there was i taking him and allowing him to hear this 'karut'. so sorry yer..casey(kkc the lala)
well, the highlight was at the end when we were on the way home. we took this bus and we actually like missed the stop??...then leh i kena marah...haiz..actually, i wanted to walk back but they all lor...lazy...wanted to take a cab(RM 12 ar ar kor...walking distance only mar , +zhi cong no money geh)....went to have our lunch at the famous , Sisters' Char Kuey Teow. It was like the best meal at penang for me. It smelled well and it tasted amazing. Imagine yourself , after walking like miles having a plate of hot char kuey teow...walau....sedapnya..really a must-eat..
the sad news was...we all were left no money. RM 0 . For the lunch and the taxi, we gave jor all our money. You see, i had RM 5, kkc had RM 4 left..then Zhi Cong..lets not mention the word money to him..i still remember his innocent smile. First time , no more cash in my wallet. Luckily, we walked back..
then ar...sat a bus back lor...reached Ipoh around 4. then need to rendam my beach clothes, sudah like basah+busuk.
okok...can write emo back jor..
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Save your life(part 3)
starting of part 3
before that i just remembered that the night before when the others were asleep, i noticed something. Well, not exactly noticed, to be precise heard or listened. What came through my ear canal was these disturbing noises-oh yar....those were snores. i realized that the guy sleeping beside me snores and the somebody on the bed opposite mine also snores. haiz...what to do..toleransi lor...and throughout the night, kuan fei kept coughing, feel so sorry for that guy like kesiannya...so i like gave his a glass of water, wish he is still ok now, forgot asking him....
the next day, we actually went up to Penang Hill. I was like informed like there was this canopy walk however a tree like feel over and now the canopy walk facility is kinda under repairment. So, what we did was took this tramps up the hill. Its actually me 2nd time taking a tramp, the first time was when i was in Hong Kong where i took a tramp up to the Peak....well, talking about the tramps there are more like the 'snails' of all transports...slow like hell....red colour de...actually was quite excited like..yepee...can go up the hill....nice nice nice..but..haiz...
after buying the tickets to board the tramp, we waited for the tramp to arrive...waited waited...den saw something red from afar coming closer and closer...excited...yes..yes ..yes...oh no...guess wat like almost 10 seconds also haven move 10 cm..(seems like)...haiz...apa lah...never mind lor..Msia still boleh right?..maybe going up the hill could be like fun?...keep myself positive..
okok...so we all(14 of us) squeezed into this tiny space and great only 14 of us. then leh, we saw people waiting outside waiting to like come into the tramp also , there were like 2 monks . At once, we sprang into action. all i heard was..."hey hey hey dun sit stand stand stand act as if our space full jor...ei laofoong dun stand so far...stand nearer , create illusion....wei wei wei..." and thank lord the tramp was occupied by only us...so went up Penang Hill.....what to do what to do up there..
down at the hill at the hill ler got a snake tamer ....gt also alot of sunglasses stalls(Gucci, D&G, Chanel, just name it and you will find it)
Next, we went to Kek Lok Xi, actually leh that time we already like separated into two groups, some took a taxi there, me and some others took a bus there. we leh took some laksa(a trip to penang without tasting laksa is a BIG no..) . According to my friend wor....say that the laksa stall we went is the best wor...phua chu kang meh best in JB and singapore..haiz....ok lar..quite nice..
well. i'm just not a laksa lover like...don't really like those mint leaves....thats me
later we climbed up kek lok si. we actually had to like climb up the long and winding stairs of Kek Lok si leading us to these magnificent temples. I'm Christian but i'm still Chinese at the same time. I just enjoy looking and admiring the handwork and intricate craftsmanship of the temples. Its like a mini China. i instantly felt the Chinese vibe running through my veins. its just so natural. i was inspired. I noticed that a lot of the ancient architecture was actually inspired
by like Chinese mythology animals-the "chi ling", the "dragon" and the "phoenix". its like a mix of ancient meets culture. its like such a wonderful feeling. The colors were like wonderful, mixing harmoniously and blended beautifully with the magnificent patterns and motifs of the temples. So Chinese. This is truly art.
i was truly inspired. the Chinese lanterns, the ceilings, the colours, the motifs, the vibe, it was like an electrifying experience. you could almost feel how the chinese onced lived their lives in ancient China back in those ancient dynasties. i do wish that if given the opportunity in future, i could like even explore the Forbidden City(inspired recently by War and Beauty reairing at TVB Xing he)

After Kek Lok si leh all of us were like already aching and tired jor...tired sia, kkc even said of going jungle trekking wor..wan meh...OMG...haiz...we al ar said go back YMCA only decide. Well, on the bus, we met some cute Swiss tourists with like theree boys. Those boys were adorable wearing those kopiah(calvin nga say only without feathers) wor..i believe they look more like Crocodile hunters...haha....i salute you Steve Irving. you know, the funny thing is that me and my friends actually took turns to take pictures with the boys....so funny...say cheese....and there was 1 lady on the bus very scary , when we were like going down the bus , she told the boys " You cute little cowboys..ni hao'"yer...like a witch lor her tone..死金魚婆....crazi leh.
apparently, we were all to lazy to go for jungle trekking so that evening, we took a bus to Batu Feringgi and it took almost an hour to reach there however it only cost us RM 2.00(超級值得)...at the beach leh all become crazy jor...first thing was jump in water. i was actually the first whio went inside the water. Love the sea, not afraid of getting wet, well, i can be really crazy sometimes...haha...i admit it..
we were all in out beach outfits...what to be afraid of....in the water at first all were like segan-segan, takut-takut getting wet, so slowly by slowly, we like pulled one by one into the water...haha...untill all got wet...all basah..al like wet chicken...haha...in the sea my friends complain say the water so salty so bitter...hu cal u drink wor..haiz...apparently, only me and KKC knew the Art of swimming so we swam lor....
in the water, i felt like super...its like a fish inside its territory, its like a comfortable zone where i can like be bebas, without any sekatan, without any limits....-freedom.
after having our swim, me and some friends took a 香蕉船(banana boat). well, i was in front...the others i am not that sure....i was kinda leading the boat...must be seronok...hehe..thought of who was going to drop into the water, siapa so malang leh...no matter who drop also never mind..sure seronok..( we even had life-jackets for safety)...
When the boat driver was ready, we were like wow...Bernoulli principle...we shouted.左...左...右...you all har...sei yeh....i 左右. canot differentiate ge ar.. say left right lar......left..left right..right.,....we thought he was kinda warming up at first but there was no climax....haiz..nobody fell...what lar you...waste money..tak seronok pun, what i remembered was hearing Calvin Nga screaming 救命啊..
after tat banana boat ride leh,since nobody basah we decided to like overturn the baot so that all of us can be like drop into the water so left left left and fell into the water...some of us apparently really cant swim and me and kkc had to like help them. However, we are not exactly strong swimmers like....the life jackets kinda jadi like sekatan also....never mind as long as we tried...its not easy to be a life-saver...a trick not easy to master
haiz...we played till quite late that night..after dinner went back to hotel..we walked from the bus station back..i chose to walked alone...din't want to walk to close to them ...thought of something in my mind....i wanted to walk alone....(explain further in my emo post)..haiz...you won't understand....
wanted to think to myself..wanted some peace
before that i just remembered that the night before when the others were asleep, i noticed something. Well, not exactly noticed, to be precise heard or listened. What came through my ear canal was these disturbing noises-oh yar....those were snores. i realized that the guy sleeping beside me snores and the somebody on the bed opposite mine also snores. haiz...what to do..toleransi lor...and throughout the night, kuan fei kept coughing, feel so sorry for that guy like kesiannya...so i like gave his a glass of water, wish he is still ok now, forgot asking him....
the next day, we actually went up to Penang Hill. I was like informed like there was this canopy walk however a tree like feel over and now the canopy walk facility is kinda under repairment. So, what we did was took this tramps up the hill. Its actually me 2nd time taking a tramp, the first time was when i was in Hong Kong where i took a tramp up to the Peak....well, talking about the tramps there are more like the 'snails' of all transports...slow like hell....red colour de...actually was quite excited like..yepee...can go up the hill....nice nice nice..but..haiz...
after buying the tickets to board the tramp, we waited for the tramp to arrive...waited waited...den saw something red from afar coming closer and closer...excited...yes..yes ..yes...oh no...guess wat like almost 10 seconds also haven move 10 cm..(seems like)...haiz...apa lah...never mind lor..Msia still boleh right?..maybe going up the hill could be like fun?...keep myself positive..
okok...so we all(14 of us) squeezed into this tiny space and great only 14 of us. then leh, we saw people waiting outside waiting to like come into the tramp also , there were like 2 monks . At once, we sprang into action. all i heard was..."hey hey hey dun sit stand stand stand act as if our space full jor...ei laofoong dun stand so far...stand nearer , create illusion....wei wei wei..." and thank lord the tramp was occupied by only us...so went up Penang Hill.....what to do what to do up there..
welcome lor....penang Hill
The tramp-slowpoke
the ride up there leh took about 15 minutes gua....ten leh what we could only do leh was see the view of the whole of Penang wor...could see Komtar..har...like this only ar...really ar...haiz..well besides the view , we saw monkeys but the main 'attraction' was seing 2 of those 油炸鬼(ding and mok) taking photos together. aiyo, memang tak ada mata tengok. From the second reached Penang like took duno how many photos jor....haiz..tak mau cakap banyak about them coz leh, i noe my friend Hoe would like ejek tem in his blog..so save some space..haha...down at the hill at the hill ler got a snake tamer ....gt also alot of sunglasses stalls(Gucci, D&G, Chanel, just name it and you will find it)
Next, we went to Kek Lok Xi, actually leh that time we already like separated into two groups, some took a taxi there, me and some others took a bus there. we leh took some laksa(a trip to penang without tasting laksa is a BIG no..) . According to my friend wor....say that the laksa stall we went is the best wor...phua chu kang meh best in JB and singapore..haiz....ok lar..quite nice..
well. i'm just not a laksa lover like...don't really like those mint leaves....thats me
later we climbed up kek lok si. we actually had to like climb up the long and winding stairs of Kek Lok si leading us to these magnificent temples. I'm Christian but i'm still Chinese at the same time. I just enjoy looking and admiring the handwork and intricate craftsmanship of the temples. Its like a mini China. i instantly felt the Chinese vibe running through my veins. its just so natural. i was inspired. I noticed that a lot of the ancient architecture was actually inspired
by like Chinese mythology animals-the "chi ling", the "dragon" and the "phoenix". its like a mix of ancient meets culture. its like such a wonderful feeling. The colors were like wonderful, mixing harmoniously and blended beautifully with the magnificent patterns and motifs of the temples. So Chinese. This is truly art.
i was truly inspired. the Chinese lanterns, the ceilings, the colours, the motifs, the vibe, it was like an electrifying experience. you could almost feel how the chinese onced lived their lives in ancient China back in those ancient dynasties. i do wish that if given the opportunity in future, i could like even explore the Forbidden City(inspired recently by War and Beauty reairing at TVB Xing he)
our laksa stall

Kek Lok si
Kek Lok si
Along the steps of Kek lok si were like stalls selling various things ranging from cheap beach clothes to Buddhist accessories. There was also a pond where there were like tortoises(reminded me of that kura-kura from Kung Fu Panda).After Kek Lok si leh all of us were like already aching and tired jor...tired sia, kkc even said of going jungle trekking wor..wan meh...OMG...haiz...we al ar said go back YMCA only decide. Well, on the bus, we met some cute Swiss tourists with like theree boys. Those boys were adorable wearing those kopiah(calvin nga say only without feathers) wor..i believe they look more like Crocodile hunters...haha....i salute you Steve Irving. you know, the funny thing is that me and my friends actually took turns to take pictures with the boys....so funny...say cheese....and there was 1 lady on the bus very scary , when we were like going down the bus , she told the boys " You cute little cowboys..ni hao'"yer...like a witch lor her tone..死金魚婆....crazi leh.
apparently, we were all to lazy to go for jungle trekking so that evening, we took a bus to Batu Feringgi and it took almost an hour to reach there however it only cost us RM 2.00(超級值得)...at the beach leh all become crazy jor...first thing was jump in water. i was actually the first whio went inside the water. Love the sea, not afraid of getting wet, well, i can be really crazy sometimes...haha...i admit it..
we were all in out beach outfits...what to be afraid of....in the water at first all were like segan-segan, takut-takut getting wet, so slowly by slowly, we like pulled one by one into the water...haha...untill all got wet...all basah..al like wet chicken...haha...in the sea my friends complain say the water so salty so bitter...hu cal u drink wor..haiz...apparently, only me and KKC knew the Art of swimming so we swam lor....
in the water, i felt like super...its like a fish inside its territory, its like a comfortable zone where i can like be bebas, without any sekatan, without any limits....-freedom.
after having our swim, me and some friends took a 香蕉船(banana boat). well, i was in front...the others i am not that sure....i was kinda leading the boat...must be seronok...hehe..thought of who was going to drop into the water, siapa so malang leh...no matter who drop also never mind..sure seronok..( we even had life-jackets for safety)...
after tat banana boat ride leh,since nobody basah we decided to like overturn the baot so that all of us can be like drop into the water so left left left and fell into the water...some of us apparently really cant swim and me and kkc had to like help them. However, we are not exactly strong swimmers like....the life jackets kinda jadi like sekatan also....never mind as long as we tried...its not easy to be a life-saver...a trick not easy to master
haiz...we played till quite late that night..after dinner went back to hotel..we walked from the bus station back..i chose to walked alone...din't want to walk to close to them ...thought of something in my mind....i wanted to walk alone....(explain further in my emo post)..haiz...you won't understand....
wanted to think to myself..wanted some peace
Friday, December 5, 2008
Drama(part 2)
its part 2 ...
i am not sure what time we actually reached Penang and we reached at Sungai Nibong bus station. There, we became clueless after all, our 導游(KKC) is not here. Even though i have been to Penang for so many times(countless) i really clueless where to go. So, phoned my sis who studies in USM(penang) and who oftens takes the bus. Then after receiving her 'consultation', we actually took another bus the so called(Rapid Penang) to Komtar where its like main bus stop where all the bus meets. well, we waited for actually quite a long time and this was actually the first time i am taking a bus like i mean from a bus station. waited..waited...waited....the thing i don't like about taking a bus is take i have to wait for its arrival..oh well....there were we asking bus after bus..."pakcik ada pergi ke Komtar?"...and when we found the right bus, guess what it was a disaster. not to say the bus was unclean but the problem now is that we have loads of luggage with us. Like, its like a great burden. we all cramped like sardins and i was in the middle of the bus. and the worst part is that i was just standing in front of the bus door. ...
Actually leh, i don't find sebarang prob standing by the bus door until the door finally opened....we had our luggage on the floor and it was like scattered everywhere like on our feet. and we had to only depend on the bars to hold on to. when the doors opened, it kinda tersekat because of our luggage...OMG and there were people going up and down from the bus...it was
hell....all i could do was to squeeze here and there when the doors open and guess wat calvin was standing near me. great. At 1 time, the door suddenly opened, me leh (with quick reaction) faster squeezed to 1 side and poor calvin, i accidentally stepped on his feet and left all the luggage on his feet, making him mobile. There he was, his feet was like tersekat between the doors and the bus door could not close...like Alamak....and the bus was like making all these crazy noises...so sorry har....i will never stand near the door anymore...scary lar...and like true Calvin Nga attitude he started membebel....sorry lor...dude.
the next thing about the bus was we swayed here and there, back and forth, left and right, hard to find support. after all this is all inertia. the funny thing is that on the bus, there was one lady hu like pushed ah leow or something and guessed what came ont from his mouth ??..."Pangsai"(means doing the Big business in Hokkien) and we were like oh no..penangkees speak Hokkien dude..you shouldn't...he was so afraid and that blank stare he gave us told us all....haha..funny lar
from komtar, we boarded another bus to YMCA at Macalister Road. We could only check in at 3 so after settling our luggage, we went off to lunch. Kita macam rusa masuk ke kampung, arah kita tak tertentu , yang tinggal hanyalah naluri yang membawa kita ke arah makanan....walked for quite some time....and people were like grumbling....hey should walk tat side lar...ei...walk wrong jor lor...hey this ei that..haizzz....those are my friends...byk cakap...passed by many beautiful mansions ...reli cantik geh..even SK say this is like the Tiger lane of Penang...orang kaya raya tinggal di sini.
oh ya...before i could forget while we were happily walking, suddenly a truck kinda transport passed by and all i heard was a loud crash. the kenderaan leh was too tall and the momentum was to great resulting a large impulse....destroying the telephone wires....wah..geng lor...the sound...and the driver went away...then my friends shouted RM 5o RM 50...oh yar..star offers RM 50 for like photographs showing situasi yang berbeza...took a picture..
finally reached our tempat makan. its like a mini version of a hawker center like selling 'loh mee'...mamak rice...won ton mee..haiz....i ordered 'loh mee' it should be a Hokkien dish right?...coz my friends were like debating where this dish originated 4rom. well, its like mee with this thick dark gravy, i used to often take this when i am in penang, so take peduli lar mana ia datang dari, sedap jiu ok liao.and my other friend ordered won ton mee...har???...haiz..their choice lor..
okok,climax come jor
when we were about to leave, zhi cong sudenly panicked, we could feel the suspense in the air, something was not right, what was it,,,he lost his Wallet...we trried looking everywhere, every single corner asked everyone about it..kinda feel like 法證先鋒...(Forensic heroes)...asking millions of quetions...where did you last see your wallet? tell me, are you sure?...but he was a bundle of nerves, poor zhi cong he kept telling me "you all ar always lose things during trips, i told myself leh that i would never meet such incidents"...haiz...poor guy..
the funny thing is that when kah wai gave the coffee shop aunty (waitress) his phone no. so she could contact us if they found anything and guess wat was her reply...
"i din steal...i duno...i din steal....dun give me"(speaking in that Pure M'sian rojak english)...haiz...duno want to laugh leh or mourn leh tat time..haizzz
at last we decided to like split into two groups , 1 group following zhi cong back to YMCA to check whether his wallet was left in his luggage, the other group to wait at the coffee shop. 3 of us(kah wai, me and Zhi Cong headed back to YMCA).....after a long walk...finally reached YMCA but for goodness sake, the wallet could not be found. we all reunited back to YMCA re planning what to do after this
KKC finally arrived at YMCA....and boy, if u see the way he came into the room your jaws would be kept open for 3 seconds...1,2, 3...he was coming through those doors in Gucci sunglasses as if he was a movie star, really OMG..cannot believe this moment , always knew the lala blood was running through his blood...oh well..
The other guys decided to take a rest and me and Zhi Cong well, went to the police station to lodge a police report.and haiz..that was a long and winding road. Zhi Cong..so kesian lol....two unfortunate events in 1 day...whats next?..
when we were at the police station, i like joked hey, want to take a picture?...come on lar..take la take lar....then i saw a shadow marching towards me "apa you buat di sini? ini kawasan larangan . kamu tahu saya boleh dakwa kamu? siapa yang benarkan kamu tangkap gambar di sini."
this was the third unfortunate event, me kena marah my police officers for taking a picture in front of the police station...and guess what , i managed to take 1 picture.haha...still moody..apalah kena marah by police officer wor..malu lor..den this time it was zhi cong's turn to ejek me balik...haiz....
to menyembuhkan luka saya yang mendalam, saw a pet shop and went in , saw some cute shih tzus and took a picture with it. this time, i wisely asked can i take a picture???...haha..
on the way me and zhi cong sang a few numbers like
that time he was ok jor...he started singing geh, so i followed on...haiz...we sang more than this...
that night, we went to Gurney Drive..or (wan zai gok ) if you prefer. its like near the sea and there were hawker centres for us to Ho chiak...wow..finally a chance for us to have a taste of true Penang flavour..i wanted to try everything from Char Kuey Teow to OoJien(friend oysters) to Otak-otak(its fish wrapped in banana leaves and it tastes like kampung)..haha.....enjoyed my food..but i was still not satisfied after all Penang is like a Food haven and for God's sake...is this on..come on...Give me more...haha...the kuey teow was ok(not that up to my expectations)...otak otak was fine(too full to like really enjoy it) and the Oojien was seriously not that great......hey i have a tongue of royalty..haha
During our meal leh this petite gal who claims she hails from Ipoh as well tried to like asked for donations to raise money to buy milk powder for kids....me having a heart of generosity did not hesitate to lend a helping hand, sprinkling some powder of hope and happiness to this kids...but this soon turned to a real drama..later
ok...there were like 14 of us and we had to split into 3 groups...this gals kept going from 1 table 2 another and two tables offered to donate wheres 1 table declined, so kah wai leh (the 阿大) went over the table and like did something (duno what, i was happily eating) and they donated..
for your info, each table donated RM 25(costly for a student, oh well, we are generous aren't we)..after that leh...XXX from that table came over to kah wai like saying hey, give me back my money like arguing...saying what this money ar you force me to pay, from what he said, he intended to donate i forgot how much , then kah wai took another note from his wallet and gave it to the girl...so this caused another drama...boy...we really had a drama...
this confrontation finally ended with kah wai returning money to XXX...this situasi is so hard to like even see.....haiz..wan meh, i know kah wai should not had done so to like make them donate but...in my opinion, its not about economy background or whether you can afford it anot, its about donating and then like asking back for the money?...its just charity...plus..its just not a very big amount..(ok the amount is not important) its the integrity that matters....its just my opinion...
after all this drama, we leh jiu went to Gurney Plaza to shop...i went scouting for some gifts for some friends....managed to buy something...haha
that night back at the room was kinda weird for my bed-mates(hoe, zhi cong, calvin) we all could not sleep haiz...susahnya....and we all like played around...haha...i kinda like put on my earphones like playing some music in my head like mimicking around....oy yeah,oh yeah doing those elvis moves...hey 1, 2, 3....and hoe and calvin were like gossiping leaving zhi cong there laughing at my actions..haha....we had quite some fun...
but i still could not sleep, i am rather notorious for that so instead of menganggu orang lain i tried to like fins my position, or in other words my comfy spot to like roll around..at last slept on the floor..haha....but very cold lar....went up the bed again...chilly cold...very cold.............thats all for day 1...overall its ok...lots of drama...but the real reason why i din;t like have a blast is because what that lies inside me....its me who is refraining myself...haiz...

i am not sure what time we actually reached Penang and we reached at Sungai Nibong bus station. There, we became clueless after all, our 導游(KKC) is not here. Even though i have been to Penang for so many times(countless) i really clueless where to go. So, phoned my sis who studies in USM(penang) and who oftens takes the bus. Then after receiving her 'consultation', we actually took another bus the so called(Rapid Penang) to Komtar where its like main bus stop where all the bus meets. well, we waited for actually quite a long time and this was actually the first time i am taking a bus like i mean from a bus station. waited..waited...waited....the thing i don't like about taking a bus is take i have to wait for its arrival..oh well....there were we asking bus after bus..."pakcik ada pergi ke Komtar?"...and when we found the right bus, guess what it was a disaster. not to say the bus was unclean but the problem now is that we have loads of luggage with us. Like, its like a great burden. we all cramped like sardins and i was in the middle of the bus. and the worst part is that i was just standing in front of the bus door. ...
Actually leh, i don't find sebarang prob standing by the bus door until the door finally opened....we had our luggage on the floor and it was like scattered everywhere like on our feet. and we had to only depend on the bars to hold on to. when the doors opened, it kinda tersekat because of our luggage...OMG and there were people going up and down from the bus...it was
hell....all i could do was to squeeze here and there when the doors open and guess wat calvin was standing near me. great. At 1 time, the door suddenly opened, me leh (with quick reaction) faster squeezed to 1 side and poor calvin, i accidentally stepped on his feet and left all the luggage on his feet, making him mobile. There he was, his feet was like tersekat between the doors and the bus door could not close...like Alamak....and the bus was like making all these crazy noises...so sorry har....i will never stand near the door anymore...scary lar...and like true Calvin Nga attitude he started membebel....sorry lor...dude.
the next thing about the bus was we swayed here and there, back and forth, left and right, hard to find support. after all this is all inertia. the funny thing is that on the bus, there was one lady hu like pushed ah leow or something and guessed what came ont from his mouth ??..."Pangsai"(means doing the Big business in Hokkien) and we were like oh no..penangkees speak Hokkien dude..you shouldn't...he was so afraid and that blank stare he gave us told us all....haha..funny lar
from komtar, we boarded another bus to YMCA at Macalister Road. We could only check in at 3 so after settling our luggage, we went off to lunch. Kita macam rusa masuk ke kampung, arah kita tak tertentu , yang tinggal hanyalah naluri yang membawa kita ke arah makanan....walked for quite some time....and people were like grumbling....hey should walk tat side lar...ei...walk wrong jor lor...hey this ei that..haizzz....those are my friends...byk cakap...passed by many beautiful mansions ...reli cantik geh..even SK say this is like the Tiger lane of Penang...orang kaya raya tinggal di sini.
oh ya...before i could forget while we were happily walking, suddenly a truck kinda transport passed by and all i heard was a loud crash. the kenderaan leh was too tall and the momentum was to great resulting a large impulse....destroying the telephone wires....wah..geng lor...the sound...and the driver went away...then my friends shouted RM 5o RM 50...oh yar..star offers RM 50 for like photographs showing situasi yang berbeza...took a picture..
finally reached our tempat makan. its like a mini version of a hawker center like selling 'loh mee'...mamak rice...won ton mee..haiz....i ordered 'loh mee' it should be a Hokkien dish right?...coz my friends were like debating where this dish originated 4rom. well, its like mee with this thick dark gravy, i used to often take this when i am in penang, so take peduli lar mana ia datang dari, sedap jiu ok liao.and my other friend ordered won ton mee...har???...haiz..their choice lor..
okok,climax come jor
when we were about to leave, zhi cong sudenly panicked, we could feel the suspense in the air, something was not right, what was it,,,he lost his Wallet...we trried looking everywhere, every single corner asked everyone about it..kinda feel like 法證先鋒...(Forensic heroes)...asking millions of quetions...where did you last see your wallet? tell me, are you sure?...but he was a bundle of nerves, poor zhi cong he kept telling me "you all ar always lose things during trips, i told myself leh that i would never meet such incidents"...haiz...poor guy..
the funny thing is that when kah wai gave the coffee shop aunty (waitress) his phone no. so she could contact us if they found anything and guess wat was her reply...
"i din steal...i duno...i din steal....dun give me"(speaking in that Pure M'sian rojak english)...haiz...duno want to laugh leh or mourn leh tat time..haizzz
at last we decided to like split into two groups , 1 group following zhi cong back to YMCA to check whether his wallet was left in his luggage, the other group to wait at the coffee shop. 3 of us(kah wai, me and Zhi Cong headed back to YMCA).....after a long walk...finally reached YMCA but for goodness sake, the wallet could not be found. we all reunited back to YMCA re planning what to do after this
KKC finally arrived at YMCA....and boy, if u see the way he came into the room your jaws would be kept open for 3 seconds...1,2, 3...he was coming through those doors in Gucci sunglasses as if he was a movie star, really OMG..cannot believe this moment , always knew the lala blood was running through his blood...oh well..
The other guys decided to take a rest and me and Zhi Cong well, went to the police station to lodge a police report.and haiz..that was a long and winding road. Zhi Cong..so kesian lol....two unfortunate events in 1 day...whats next?..
when we were at the police station, i like joked hey, want to take a picture?...come on lar..take la take lar....then i saw a shadow marching towards me "apa you buat di sini? ini kawasan larangan . kamu tahu saya boleh dakwa kamu? siapa yang benarkan kamu tangkap gambar di sini."
this was the third unfortunate event, me kena marah my police officers for taking a picture in front of the police station...and guess what , i managed to take 1 picture.haha...still moody..apalah kena marah by police officer wor..malu lor..den this time it was zhi cong's turn to ejek me balik...haiz....
to menyembuhkan luka saya yang mendalam, saw a pet shop and went in , saw some cute shih tzus and took a picture with it. this time, i wisely asked can i take a picture???...haha..
on the way me and zhi cong sang a few numbers like
that time he was ok jor...he started singing geh, so i followed on...haiz...we sang more than this...
that night, we went to Gurney Drive..or (wan zai gok ) if you prefer. its like near the sea and there were hawker centres for us to Ho chiak...wow..finally a chance for us to have a taste of true Penang flavour..i wanted to try everything from Char Kuey Teow to OoJien(friend oysters) to Otak-otak(its fish wrapped in banana leaves and it tastes like kampung)..haha.....enjoyed my food..but i was still not satisfied after all Penang is like a Food haven and for God's sake...is this on..come on...Give me more...haha...the kuey teow was ok(not that up to my expectations)...otak otak was fine(too full to like really enjoy it) and the Oojien was seriously not that great......hey i have a tongue of royalty..haha
During our meal leh this petite gal who claims she hails from Ipoh as well tried to like asked for donations to raise money to buy milk powder for kids....me having a heart of generosity did not hesitate to lend a helping hand, sprinkling some powder of hope and happiness to this kids...but this soon turned to a real drama..later
ok...there were like 14 of us and we had to split into 3 groups...this gals kept going from 1 table 2 another and two tables offered to donate wheres 1 table declined, so kah wai leh (the 阿大) went over the table and like did something (duno what, i was happily eating) and they donated..
for your info, each table donated RM 25(costly for a student, oh well, we are generous aren't we)..after that leh...XXX from that table came over to kah wai like saying hey, give me back my money like arguing...saying what this money ar you force me to pay, from what he said, he intended to donate i forgot how much , then kah wai took another note from his wallet and gave it to the girl...so this caused another drama...boy...we really had a drama...
this confrontation finally ended with kah wai returning money to XXX...this situasi is so hard to like even see.....haiz..wan meh, i know kah wai should not had done so to like make them donate but...in my opinion, its not about economy background or whether you can afford it anot, its about donating and then like asking back for the money?...its just charity...plus..its just not a very big amount..(ok the amount is not important) its the integrity that matters....its just my opinion...
after all this drama, we leh jiu went to Gurney Plaza to shop...i went scouting for some gifts for some friends....managed to buy something...haha
that night back at the room was kinda weird for my bed-mates(hoe, zhi cong, calvin) we all could not sleep haiz...susahnya....and we all like played around...haha...i kinda like put on my earphones like playing some music in my head like mimicking around....oy yeah,oh yeah doing those elvis moves...hey 1, 2, 3....and hoe and calvin were like gossiping leaving zhi cong there laughing at my actions..haha....we had quite some fun...
but i still could not sleep, i am rather notorious for that so instead of menganggu orang lain i tried to like fins my position, or in other words my comfy spot to like roll around..at last slept on the floor..haha....but very cold lar....went up the bed again...chilly cold...very cold.............thats all for day 1...overall its ok...lots of drama...but the real reason why i din;t like have a blast is because what that lies inside me....its me who is refraining myself...haiz...
part 2 ended...
at Sg. Nibong bus station waiting

that irresponsible driver..

eating first meal in Penang
at Sg. Nibong bus station waiting
eating first meal in Penang
so cute.....
The police station i kena marah
Gurney Drive
the Oo-jien hawker....seems skillful but the product is ok saja
walk you home..haha
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