before that i just remembered that the night before when the others were asleep, i noticed something. Well, not exactly noticed, to be precise heard or listened. What came through my ear canal was these disturbing noises-oh yar....those were snores. i realized that the guy sleeping beside me snores and the somebody on the bed opposite mine also snores. haiz...what to do..toleransi lor...and throughout the night, kuan fei kept coughing, feel so sorry for that guy like i like gave his a glass of water, wish he is still ok now, forgot asking him....
the next day, we actually went up to Penang Hill. I was like informed like there was this canopy walk however a tree like feel over and now the canopy walk facility is kinda under repairment. So, what we did was took this tramps up the hill. Its actually me 2nd time taking a tramp, the first time was when i was in Hong Kong where i took a tramp up to the Peak....well, talking about the tramps there are more like the 'snails' of all transports...slow like colour de...actually was quite excited like..yepee...can go up the hill....nice nice nice..but..haiz...
after buying the tickets to board the tramp, we waited for the tramp to arrive...waited waited...den saw something red from afar coming closer and closer...excited...yes..yes ..yes...oh no...guess wat like almost 10 seconds also haven move 10 cm..(seems like)...haiz...apa lah...never mind lor..Msia still boleh right?..maybe going up the hill could be like fun?...keep myself positive.. we all(14 of us) squeezed into this tiny space and great only 14 of us. then leh, we saw people waiting outside waiting to like come into the tramp also , there were like 2 monks . At once, we sprang into action. all i heard was..."hey hey hey dun sit stand stand stand act as if our space full jor...ei laofoong dun stand so far...stand nearer , create illusion....wei wei wei..." and thank lord the tramp was occupied by only went up Penang Hill.....what to do what to do up there..
welcome lor....penang Hill
The tramp-slowpoke
the ride up there leh took about 15 minutes gua....ten leh what we could only do leh was see the view of the whole of Penang wor...could see this only ar...really ar...haiz..well besides the view , we saw monkeys but the main 'attraction' was seing 2 of those 油炸鬼(ding and mok) taking photos together. aiyo, memang tak ada mata tengok. From the second reached Penang like took duno how many photos jor....haiz..tak mau cakap banyak about them coz leh, i noe my friend Hoe would like ejek tem in his save some space..haha...down at the hill at the hill ler got a snake tamer also alot of sunglasses stalls(Gucci, D&G, Chanel, just name it and you will find it)
Next, we went to Kek Lok Xi, actually leh that time we already like separated into two groups, some took a taxi there, me and some others took a bus there. we leh took some laksa(a trip to penang without tasting laksa is a BIG no..) . According to my friend wor....say that the laksa stall we went is the best wor...phua chu kang meh best in JB and singapore..haiz....ok lar..quite nice..
well. i'm just not a laksa lover like...don't really like those mint leaves....thats me
later we climbed up kek lok si. we actually had to like climb up the long and winding stairs of Kek Lok si leading us to these magnificent temples. I'm Christian but i'm still Chinese at the same time. I just enjoy looking and admiring the handwork and intricate craftsmanship of the temples. Its like a mini China. i instantly felt the Chinese vibe running through my veins. its just so natural. i was inspired. I noticed that a lot of the ancient architecture was actually inspired
by like Chinese mythology animals-the "chi ling", the "dragon" and the "phoenix". its like a mix of ancient meets culture. its like such a wonderful feeling. The colors were like wonderful, mixing harmoniously and blended beautifully with the magnificent patterns and motifs of the temples. So Chinese. This is truly art.
i was truly inspired. the Chinese lanterns, the ceilings, the colours, the motifs, the vibe, it was like an electrifying experience. you could almost feel how the chinese onced lived their lives in ancient China back in those ancient dynasties. i do wish that if given the opportunity in future, i could like even explore the Forbidden City(inspired recently by War and Beauty reairing at TVB Xing he)
our laksa stall

Kek Lok si
Kek Lok si
Along the steps of Kek lok si were like stalls selling various things ranging from cheap beach clothes to Buddhist accessories. There was also a pond where there were like tortoises(reminded me of that kura-kura from Kung Fu Panda).After Kek Lok si leh all of us were like already aching and tired jor...tired sia, kkc even said of going jungle trekking wor..wan meh...OMG...haiz...we al ar said go back YMCA only decide. Well, on the bus, we met some cute Swiss tourists with like theree boys. Those boys were adorable wearing those kopiah(calvin nga say only without feathers) wor..i believe they look more like Crocodile hunters...haha....i salute you Steve Irving. you know, the funny thing is that me and my friends actually took turns to take pictures with the funny...say cheese....and there was 1 lady on the bus very scary , when we were like going down the bus , she told the boys " You cute little hao'" a witch lor her tone..死金魚婆....crazi leh.
apparently, we were all to lazy to go for jungle trekking so that evening, we took a bus to Batu Feringgi and it took almost an hour to reach there however it only cost us RM 2.00(超級值得) the beach leh all become crazy jor...first thing was jump in water. i was actually the first whio went inside the water. Love the sea, not afraid of getting wet, well, i can be really crazy sometimes...haha...i admit it..
we were all in out beach outfits...what to be afraid the water at first all were like segan-segan, takut-takut getting wet, so slowly by slowly, we like pulled one by one into the water...haha...untill all got wet...all like wet the sea my friends complain say the water so salty so cal u drink wor..haiz...apparently, only me and KKC knew the Art of swimming so we swam lor....
in the water, i felt like super...its like a fish inside its territory, its like a comfortable zone where i can like be bebas, without any sekatan, without any limits....-freedom.
after having our swim, me and some friends took a 香蕉船(banana boat). well, i was in front...the others i am not that sure....i was kinda leading the boat...must be seronok...hehe..thought of who was going to drop into the water, siapa so malang matter who drop also never mind..sure seronok..( we even had life-jackets for safety)...
after tat banana boat ride leh,since nobody basah we decided to like overturn the baot so that all of us can be like drop into the water so left left left and fell into the water...some of us apparently really cant swim and me and kkc had to like help them. However, we are not exactly strong swimmers like....the life jackets kinda jadi like sekatan also....never mind as long as we tried...its not easy to be a life-saver...a trick not easy to master
haiz...we played till quite late that night..after dinner went back to hotel..we walked from the bus station back..i chose to walked alone...din't want to walk to close to them ...thought of something in my mind....i wanted to walk alone....(explain further in my emo post) won't understand....
wanted to think to myself..wanted some peace
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