Saturday, March 28, 2009


ST team from right:(Qi Hong, Wai Hoe, Yann Fei)

I guess this is the end of debating days for me as very unfortunately, Sam Tet malay debate team lost to St Michael's team. it was ST pk SMI . I cannot say that SMI team strong but at least they were stable. Listening to their Perdana Menteri(1st speaker), me and KKC thought that Sam Tet sure win . This was because SMI was all about extravaganza and over the top. Their "hujah" or points were weak. But, the nerves really got the very best of my team.

Though I had already left ST, but my love and passion for debate is still there and I did really hope the very best for them. I know that if they were not nervous they would absoluty
KILL + slaughter SMI(our points were strong + i trained them hard). When the SMI speakers where speaking, me and KKC were rolling our eyes, SHOCKED as their points were like OMG!!!! I was confident but oh well, as long as my team did their best I am proud! These guys have mad potential, they just lack exposure!..haha..oh well....there's nothing i can do!

Our tajuk perbahasan was "Kebanjiran Pendatang asing menguntungkan negara" (we were pembangkang.) You know what, i rmb the SMI PM said " hujah barisan pembangakang bagai
Cholestrol dan lemak.......mengancam kesihatan wor." (they were speaking in that OVEr the top Malay slength)..and MGS lost to Anderson!!!(apa ?? everyone thought that MGS were way beyond and ahead Anderson!!!) .haiz tak apa lar..!!!! Sam tet rules!!!

Lemak and Cholesterol?OMG...

i guess i just have to hope that lady luck stands by ST Chinese Debate team as they are up against AMC tomorrow in the finals!.. .,.good luck!

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