Its cool to be like Stitch right? he may have 6 hands...but he s adorable and so cute..intelligent also!he is such a cool friend....i want to be like stitch" goofy, weirdo, cool, ". We also share a similarity" crazy, big mouth, love to talk!!!". Kinda like identical twins.! +i relate to Stitch. being that uniquely different, he is able to fit into the Disney family. I hope i do fit in also.
btw..just back from gym with Calvin. 2nd encounter jor...it was ok..alot BIG muscle(scary) uncles and i am not jealous at all. Its okay to build lean , atletic muscles...not bodybuilder type..haha and me and calvin were the only goof balls. We brought such laughter and JOY!..haha..tomorrow going with Ding ..then go yumcha + chat chat.
I WANNA be a cool ALIEN!
ei i see adrian oso putting stitch as his blogger photo...haha
i oso love stitch........
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