Waggie! sounds familiar? Shes my pet dog. Well, shes a mix-breed(should be a shih tzu mixed breed) and shes my best friends. Well, recently, my dog killed a
snake. Well, that snake may not be any Anaconda but she snipped it into half...so, i had to give props to my dear old Waggie! Shes around 10 years old already and i do hope she can be with me for a long time. haha...love her like mad. btw, she is a predator-she has killed countless of birds, mice, rats, frogs!
And, the sad thing is that she is getting older from day to day. It seems Waggie has lost the energy to be the crazy dog i love. Yet, she is still 3C-crazy, clever and cunning! haha..

waggie-straight after a bath

as lovely as usual

The first half

the second half
omg....it's definitely longer than chopsticks!!brave waggie!!=)
wow! ur dog is so brave! braver than me...charm loh, then i mai 狗都不如? sobx...haha, then u mz giv her eat holiao to praise her de loh~
yar..i give her CNY cookies..haha...and guess what?..i heard a 'mouse squeek' today...maybe Waggie caught another 'imposter'.
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